List of poster contributions

  • For each poster one poster board will be available.

  • All posters will be on display for the whole workshop week.

  • The size of the poster boards is 185 cm (height) x 95 cm (width) (A0, Portrait).

  • The number in front of your name stands for the number of the poster board reserved for you.

  • Magnets/double-sided tape will be provided.

  • Click on the poster title to see the abstract (if available).

  • 1 Anishchenko, Anastasiia  
      Survival probabilities of energy transfer in random networks
    2 Böhme, Gesa  
      Fragmentation transitions in adaptive voter models
    3 Breuer, David  
      Non-additive processing of synchronous inputs yields enhanced memory storage
    4 Chakraborty, Abhijnan (presented by Suman Kalyan Maity)  
      Detecting overlapping communities in folksonomies
    5 Chen, Li  
      Synchronization in large-scale networks: Exploiting the dynamical aspects
    6 Colomer, Pol  
      Clustering of random scale-free networks
    7 Czabarka, Eva  
      Gene trees: Enumeration and min-max theorems
    8 Demirel, Güven  
      Interplay between epidemics and topology in a growing population
    9 Do, Anne-Ly  
      Topological stability criteria for networking dynamical systems with Hermitian Jacobian
    10 Donner, Reik  
      A complex network perspective for time series analysis of dynamical systems
    11 Georgiou, Orestis  
      Impact of boundaries on fully connected random geometric networks
    12 Gros, Claudius  
      Self organized chaos and tipping transitions in adapting dynamical networks
    13 Gu, Jiao  
      The spectral analysis on biology networks
    14 Gühne, Otfried  
      Measures for correlations and complexity based on exponential families
    15 Hwang, Sungmin  
      Which node is more accessible, hub or periphery?  
    16 Isele, Thomas  
      Traveling waves on small world networks
    17 Kahng, Byungnam  
      Branching process approach for Boolean bipartite networks of metabolic reactions
    18 Karalus, Steffen  
      Network evolution towards optimal dynamical performance
    19 Lade, Steven  
      Early warning signals of intermediate complexity
    20 Maity, Suman Kalyan  
      Emergence of fast agreement in an overhearing population: The case of naming game
    21 Menichetti, Giulia  
      Applications of network entropy to gene expression time series data
    22 Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard  
      Coarse-grained description of a genetic circuit
    23 Nitzan, Mor  
      A mathematical model of 6S RNA regulation of gene expression  
    24 Ostermeier, Philipp-Jens  
    25 Qin, Jing  
      Cycle decomposition of small RNA configuration space
    26 Rafiee, Morteza  
      Noise induced coherent quantum transport in spin network
    27 Rohlf, Thimo  
      Evolutionary optimization of transcriptional regulatory networks under spatial constraints  
    28 Sagarra, Oleguer  
      Synchronization of moving integrate and fire oscillators with nearest neighbor interaction  
    29 Schaper, Steffen  
      Genotype networks shape evolution
    30 Schijven, Petrus  
      Initial correlations can accelerate transport on networks
    31 Sonawane, Abhijeet  
      Consistency of performance leads to emergence of networks with bimodal degree distribution
    32 Trevino, Santiago  
      Robust hierarchical community detection
    33 Trousdale, James  
      Correlations in spatially heterogeneous neuronal networks
    34 Venturino, Ezio  
      Metaecoepidemic models: A step further in metapopulation theory  
    35 Zamora-López, Gorka  
      From worms to humans: Common principles of organization in the nervous system