chair: Giovanna Morigi
09:00 - 09:40
Tobias Donner
(ETH Zürich)
Self-oscillating pump in a topological dissipative atom-cavity system
The time evolution of a quantum system can be strongly affected by dissipation. Although this mainly implies that the system relaxes to a steady state, in some cases it can lead to the appearance of new phases and trigger emergent dynamics. In our experiment, we study a Bose-Einstein Condensate dispersively coupled to a high finesse resonator. The cavity mode is populated via scattering off the atoms, such that the sum of the coupling field and the intracavity standing wave act as optical lattice potential. When the dissipative and the coherent timescales are comparable, we find a regime of persistent oscillations where the cavity field does not reach a steady state. In this regime the atoms experience an optical lattice that periodically deforms itself, without an external time dependent drive, leading to a pumping mechanism.
09:40 - 10:20
Andreas Hemmerich
(Universität Hamburg)
Dissipative time crystals in an atom-cavity system
I will summarize our recent observations of discrete and continuous dissipative time crystals in a Bose-Einstein condensate strongly coupled to a single mode of a recoil resolving optical cavity.
10:20 - 10:25
group photo (to be published online)
10:25 - 11:20
coffee break & discussions
11:20 - 12:00
Timo Zwettler
Density Wave Order in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas
The interplay of pairing with density wave order is one of the most prominent features of strongly correlated electronic systems, such as high-temperature superconductors. In our experiment, we realize a Fermi gas with short and long-range interactions, which can be independently and simultaneously controlled. We combine a quantum degenerate, unitary Fermi gas in a high-finesse optical cavity [1-4] with a pump laser beam, driving the atom-cavity system transversally to the cavity axis in the dispersive regime. This yields a tunable long-range photon-mediated interaction, which allows self-organization to a density wave ordered state above a critical strength. We show that this interaction is broadly tunable, and study the onset of density wave ordering in the BEC-BCS crossover. Our observations are compared with a mean-field theory. Our system offers a new way to study competing orders in strongly correlated matter.
[1] K. Roux, H. Konishi, V. Helson, and J.-P. Brantut, “Strongly correlated Fermions strongly coupled to light,” Nat Commun, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 2974, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16767-8.
[2] K. Roux, V. Helson, H. Konishi, and J. P. Brantut, “Cavity-assisted preparation and detection of a unitary Fermi gas,” New J. Phys., vol. 23, no. 4, p. 043029, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/abeb91.
[3] H. Konishi, K. Roux, V. Helson, and J.-P. Brantut, “Universal pair polaritons in a strongly interacting Fermi gas,” Nature, pp. 1–5, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03731-9.
[4] V. Helson, T. Zwettler, K. Roux, H. Konishi, S. Uchino, and J.-P. Brantut, “Optomechanical Response of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas,” arXiv:2111.02931 [cond-mat, physics:physics, physics:quant-ph], Nov. 2021, [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02931
12:00 - 12:40
Helmut Ritsch
(Universität Innsbruck)
Spinor Quantum Gas Cavity QED
We explore the many-body phases of a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with cavity-mediated dynamic spin-orbit coupling. With the help of two transverse noninterfering, counterpropagating pump lasers and a single standing-wave cavity mode, two degenerate Zeeman sub-levels of the quantum gas are Raman coupled in a double-Λ-configuration. Beyond a critical pump strength the cavity mode is populated via coherent superradiant Raman scattering from the two pump lasers, leading to the appearance of a dynamical spin-orbit coupling for the atoms. We identify three quantum phases with distinct atomic and photonic properties: the normal “homogeneous” phase, the superradiant “spin-helix” phase, and the superradiant “supersolid spin-density-wave” phase.
12:40 - 14:30
lunch break & discussions
chair: Martin Eckstein
14:30 - 15:10
Oded Zilberberg
(University of Konstanz)
Dissipative phases in a superradiant quantum gas with tunable decay
Exposing a many-body system to external drives and losses can transform the nature of its phases and opens perspectives for engineering new properties of matter. How such characteristics are related to the underlying microscopic processes of the driven and dissipative system is a fundamental question. I will discuss this point on a recent experiment (conducted at the Quantum Optics group at ETH) with a quantum gas that is strongly coupled to a lossy optical cavity mode using two independent Raman drives. The latter act on the spin and motional degrees of freedom of the atoms. This setting allows for control of the competition between coherent dynamics and dissipation by adjusting the imbalance between the drives. For strong enough coupling, the transition to a superradiant phase occurs, as is the case for a closed system. Yet, by imbalancing the drives, a dissipation-stabilized normal phase manifests alongside a region of multistability. Measuring the properties of excitations on top of the out-of-equilibrium phases reveals the microscopic elementary processes in the open system. Our findings provide prospects for studying squeezing in non-Hermitian systems, quantum jumps in superradiance, and dynamical spin-orbit coupling in a dissipative setting.
15:10 - 15:50
Peter Rabl
(TU Wien)
Cutoff-free evaluation of vacuum corrections in ultrastrong coupling cavity QED
While there is currently a considerable interest in vacuum-modifications of material properties, such as chemical reactivity, conductivity or phase transitions, theoretical predictions of such effects usually rely on effective single- or few-mode models. These models ignore the coupling to the infinite number of electromagnetic modes that the vacuum is actually comprised of and are therefore fundamentally incapable of making reliable predictions about the magnitude or even the sign of vacuum energy shifts. In this talk I will present a first-principle derivation of the ground state energy shift of a single molecular dipole in ultrastrong coupling cavity QED. This analysis provides a clear distinction between purely electrostatic and genuine vacuum effects and allows us to study both contributions as a function of the relevant system parameters. Finally, I will address the implications of these findings for experimental and theoretical research in this field.
15:50 - 16:50
coffee break & discussions
16:50 - 17:30
Gian Marcello Andolina
(ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences)
Photon Condensation: No-go and counter no-go theorems
Equilibrium phase transitions between a normal and a photon condensate state (also known as superradiant phase transitions) are a highly debated research topic, where proposals for their occurrence and no-go theorems have chased each other for the past four decades. Previous no-go theorems have demonstrated that gauge invariance forbids phase transitions to a photon condensate state when the cavity-photon mode is assumed to be {\it spatially uniform}. However, it has been theoretically predicted that a collection of three-level systems coupled to light can display a first-order phase transition to a photon condensate state. It has also been recently shown that truncation of the Hilbert space of the matter system can affect the gauge invariance of the theory. However, it is always possible to obtain approximate Hamiltonians obeying the gauge principle in the truncated Hilbert space. Here, we demonstrate a general no-go theorem for truncated, gauge-invariant models, which forbids first-order {\it as well} as second-order superradiant phase transitions in the absence of a magnetic field, in agreement with the general theory.
Finally, we show that the no-go theorem does not apply to {\it spatially-varying} quantum cavity fields. We find a criterion for the occurrence of photon condensation that depends solely on the static, non-local orbital magnetic susceptibility $\chi_{\rm orb}(q)$, of the electronic system (ES) evaluated at a cavity photon momentum $\hbar q$. Only 3D ESs satisfying the Condon inequality $\chi_{\rm orb}(q)>1/(4\pi)$ can harbor photon condensation. For the experimentally relevant case of two-dimensional (2D) ESs embedded in quasi-2D cavities the criterion again involves $\chi_{\rm orb}(q)$ but also the vertical size of the cavity. We use these considerations to identify electronic properties that are ideal for photon condensation. Our theory is non-perturbative in the strength of electron-electron interaction and therefore applicable to strongly correlated ESs.
17:30 - 18:10
Ahsan Nazir
(The University of Manchester)
Theory of photon condensation in an arbitrary gauge condensed matter cavity model
We derive an arbitrary gauge criterion under which condensed matter within an electromagnetic field may transition to a photon condensed phase. Previous results are recovered by selecting the Coulomb gauge wherein photon condensation can only occur for a spatially-varying field and can be interpreted as a magnetic instability. We demonstrate the gauge-invariance of our description directly, but since matter and photons are gauge-relative concepts we find more generally that photon condensation can occur within a spatially uniform field, and that the relative extent to which the instability is both magnetic and electric versus purely magnetic depends on the gauge.
18:30 - 19:30
poster session