Nail Akhmediev
(Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
Helmut Brand
(University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Amin Chabchoub
(Kyoto University, Japan)
Oceanic rogue waves are large and unexpected surface water waves that are extremely dangerous, even to large ships such as ocean liners or submarines as well as to marine structures. They exist everywhere: on the surface of deep and shallow waters and even in the deep internal layers of the ocean. Similar waves on a much smaller scale in optical fibres are in many ways analogous to their larger counterparts of the oceanic scale. Extreme waves are presently an interdisciplinary research subject covering BEC, plasma waves and even quantum optics. Knowledge accumulated so far in this active research area may add new ideas on how extreme events of more general nature occur. The most recent findings and major concepts of extreme waves, which include rogue waves as well as exploding dissipative solitons, will be elaborated and discussed in this workshop.
Thomas Adcock (UK)
Shalva Amiranashvili (DE)
Uwe Bandelow (DE)
Fabio Baronio (IT)
Fabio Biancalana (UK)
Maura Brunetti (CH)
Svetlana Bugaichuk (UA)
Wonkeun Chang (SG)
Matteo Conforti (FR)
Orazio Descalzi (CL)
Giullaume Ducrozet (FR)
Margarida Facão (PT)
Mathias Fink (FR)
Goëry Genty (FI)
Brian Haus (US)
Norbert Hoffmann (DE)
Holger Kantz (DE)
Bertrand Kibler (FR)
Kenichi Maruno (JP)
Cristina Masoller (ES)
Arnaud Mussot (FR)
Alfred R. Osborne (US)
Joachim Peinke (DE)
Davide Pierangeli (IT)
Michelle Sander (US)
Paolo Santini (IT)
Roland Schiek (DE)
Victor Shrira (UK)
Abdelmajid Taki (FR)
Mustapha Tlidi (BE)
Ton van den Bremer (UK)
Stefan Wabnitz (IT)
Takuji Waseda (JP)