Andrei Bernevig
(Princeton University, USA)
Anne E. B. Nielsen
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany)
Nicolas Regnault
(École normale supérieure, France)
Topology has turned out to have a rich variety of realizations in quantum many-body systems. Key questions include understanding the physics of anyons, finding simple ways to realize anyons, and to demonstrate anyon braiding experimentally. The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts both in theory and experiment to discuss challenges and possibilities in the field.
Monika Aidelsburger (Munich, Germany)
Eddy Ardonne (Stockholm, Sweden)
Maria Hermanns (Stockholm, Sweden)
Charles Kane (Philadelphia, USA)
Zhao Liu (Zhejiang, PR China)
Titus Neupert (Zurich, Switzerland)
Zlatko Papic (Leeds, UK)
Belén Paredes (Munich, Germany)
Frank Pollmann (Garching, Germany)
Norbert Schuch (Garching, Germany)
German Sierra (Cantoblanco, Spain)
Steven H. Simon (Oxford, UK)
Ali Yazdani (Princeton, USA)