Chair: Karin Everschor-Sitte
13:00 - 14:00
Claire Donnelly
(University of Cambridge)
3D imaging of magnetic systems at the nanoscale
Three dimensional magnetic systems promise significant opportunities for new physics, ranging from ultra-high domain wall velocities and geometry-induced magnetochirality effects, to 3D topological structures as well as 3D technological devices [1,2]. Experimentally, appropriate techniques are required to map both complex three-dimensional magnetic configurations, and the response to external excitations.
For three-dimensional magnetic imaging, we have developed X-ray magnetic nanotomography [3], combining a new iterative reconstruction algorithm [4] with a dual rotation axis experimental setup, therefore providing access to the three-dimensional magnetic configuration at the nanoscale. In a first demonstration, we have determined the complex three-dimensional magnetic structure within the bulk of a micrometre-sized soft magnetic pillar and observed a magnetic configuration that consists of vortices and antivortices, as well as Bloch point singularities [3].
In addition to the static magnetic structure, the dynamic response of the 3D magnetic configuration to excitations is key to our understanding of both fundamental physics, and applications. With our recent development of X-ray magnetic laminography [5,6], it is now possible to determine the magnetisation dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic system [5] with spatial and temporal resolutions of 50 nm and 70 ps, respectively.
A final challenge concerns the identification of nanoscale topological objects within the complex reconstructed magnetic configurations. To address this, we have recently implemented calculations of the magnetic vorticity [7,8], that make possible the location and identification of 3D magnetic solitons, leading to the first observation of magnetic vortex rings [8].
These new experimental capabilities of X-ray magnetic imaging open the door to the elucidation of complex three-dimensional magnetic structures, and their dynamic behaviour.
[1] Fernández-Pacheco et al., “Three-dimensional nanomagnetism” Nat. Comm. 8, 15756 (2017)
[2] Donnelly and V. Scagnoli, “Imaging three-dimensional magnetic systems with X-rays” J. Phys. D: Cond. Matt. (2019).
[3] Donnelly et al., “Three-dimensional magnetization structures revealed with X-ray vector nanotomography” Nature 547, 328 (2017).
[4] Donnelly et al., “Tomographic reconstruction of a three-dimensional magnetization vector field” New Journal of Physics 20, 083009 (2018).
[5] Donnelly et al., “Time-resolved imaging of three-dimensional nanoscale magnetization dynamics”, Nature Nanotechnology 15, 356 (2020).
[6] Witte, et al., “From 2D STXM to 3D Imaging: Soft X-ray Laminography of Thin Specimens”, Nano Lett. 20, 1305 (2020).
[7] Cooper, “Propagating magnetic vortex rings in ferromagnets.” PRL. 82, 1554 (1999).
[8] Donnelly et al., “Experimental observation of vortex rings in a bulk magnet” Nat. Phys. 17, 316 (2021)
Chair: Sebastian Eggert
14:00 - 14:15
Johannes Motruk
(University of California, Berkeley)
Four-spin terms and the origin of the chiral spin liquid in Mott insulators on the triangular lattice
At strong repulsion, the triangular-lattice Hubbard model is described by s=1/2 spins with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions and exhibits conventional 120° order. Using a combination of infinite density matrix renormalization group and exact diagonalization, we study the effect of the additional four-spin interactions naturally generated from the underlying Mott-insulator physics of electrons as the repulsion decreases. Although these interactions have historically been connected with a gapless ground state with emergent spinon Fermi surface, we find that at physically relevant parameters, they stabilize a chiral spin-liquid (CSL) of Kalmeyer-Laughlin (KL) type, clarifying observations in recent studies of the Hubbard model. We also present a self-consistent solution based on a mean-field rewriting of the four-spin interaction to obtain a Hamiltonian with similarities to the parent Hamiltonian of the KL state, providing a physical understanding for the origin of the CSL.
14:15 - 14:30
Ciarán Hickey
(University of Cologne)
Off-diagonal Symmetric Exchange on the Triangular and Kagome Lattices
Recent years have seen a surge of interest in spin-orbit entangled Mott insulators, largely driven by the tantalizing prospect of realising the physics of Kitaev's celebrated honeycomb model. However, there are also other distinct exchange interactions that can be generated in such Mott insulators, which come with their own unique physics and intriguing properties. Here, we focus on off-diagonal symmetric exchange on the triangular and kagome lattices (with the honeycomb case having already been well-studied). In the classical limit the model, with an antiferromagnetic sign, leads on both lattices to classical spin liquid behavior. On the other hand, in the quantum spin-1/2 limit, quantum fluctuations drive both systems into ordered ground states. We will discuss various elements of these classical and quantum limits using a variety of analytical and numerical techniques, shedding light on these new exchange models within the realm of quantum magnetism.
14:30 - 14:45
Adhip Agarwala
(Max Planck Instititute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Gapless state of interacting Majorana fermions in a strain-induced Landau level
Mechanical strain can generate a pseudo-magnetic field, and hence Landau levels (LL), for low
energy excitations of quantum matter in two dimensions. We study the collective state of the
fractionalised Majorana fermions arising from residual generic spin interactions in the central LL,
where the projected Hamiltonian reflects the spin symmetries in intricate ways: emergent U(1) and
particle-hole symmetries forbid any bilinear couplings, leading to an intrinsically strongly interacting
system; also, they allow the definition of a filling fraction, which is fixed at 1/2. We argue that the
resulting many-body state is gapless within our numerical accuracy, implying ultra-short-ranged
spin correlations, while chirality correlators decay algebraically. This amounts to a Kitaev ‘nonFermi’ spin liquid, and shows that interacting Majorana Fermions can exhibit intricate behaviour
akin to fractional quantum Hall physics in an insulating magnet.
14:45 - 15:00
Alexandros Metavitsiadis
(Technical University Braunschweig)
Optical phonons coupled to a Kitaev spin liquid
Emergent excitation continua in frustrated magnets are a fingerprint of
fractionalization, characteristic of quantum spin-liquid states. Recent
evidence from Raman scattering for a coupling between such continua and
lattice degrees of freedom in putative Kitaev magnets
may provide insight into the nature of the fractionalized quasiparticles.
Here, we report on the renormalization of optical phonons coupled to the
underlying $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ quantum spin-liquid. We show that phonon
line-shapes acquire an asymmetry, observable in light scattering, and
originating from two distinct sources, namely the dispersion of the
Majorana continuum and the Fano effect. Moreover, we find that the
phonon life-times increase with increasing temperature due to thermal
blocking of available phase space. Finally, in contrast to low-energy
probes, optical phonon renormalization is rather insensitive to thermally
excited gauge fluxes and barely susceptible to external magnetic fields.
15:00 - 15:15
Elio J. König
(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research)
Detecting and destroying quantum spin liquids with metallic leads
Quantum Spin Liquids have recently enjoyed renewed interest. This is partly driven by synergies with quantum information theory and by the experimental progress, which provides evidence for new material realizations, in particular in 2D van-der-Waals materials. The chemical versatility of this platform allows and requires the study of new probes in device geometries combining quantum spin liquids with, e.g., metals or semimetals. In this talk, I present a comprehensive study of electrical tunneling signatures of Kitaev quantum spin liquids in such heterostructures. I argue that momentum conserving tunneling setups, such as planar tunneling and the tunneling between quantum Hall edges are experimentally particularly suitable. In the second part, I will discuss the stability of the spin liquid state with respect to the coupling to an electronic bath. As an exemplary toy-model, I will demonstrate that a simple triangular Kondo-Heisenberg cluster impurity displays a topological phase and a trivial phase, which are separated by a deconfinement transition driven by the proliferation of monopole like gauge field excitations which is reminiscent of the confinement transition in 2D U(1) quantum spin liquids.
[1] EJ König, MT Randeria, B Jäck; Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 267206 (2020)
[2] EJ König, P Coleman, Y Komijani; arXiv:2002.12338 (2020)
15:15 - 15:30
Martin Gärttner
(Heidelberg University)
Neural network quantum state tomography with neuromorphic hardware
We employ neural networks to find compressed representations of many-body quantum states. In this talk I focus on the application of this approach to quantum state tomography. I will report on state tomography on experimental data from a two-photon experiment and discuss the scalability of neural state tomography with convolutional neural networks. The most resource consuming task in this approach is the generation of Monte Carlo samples form the learned network representation. This task can potentially be accelerated by emulating the networks physically on neuromorphic hardware. I will report on the successful encoding of few-qubit entangled states on a neuromorphic chip.
15:30 - 15:45
Huaiyang Yuan
(Utrecht University)
Manipulation of magnon-magnon entanglement in an antiferromagnet
Cavity spintronics is a rising field that manipulates the interaction of magnetic magnons and the photons inside a cavity, which benefits the advantages of the long lifetime and easy tunability properties of magnetic magnons. One promising route of this field is to bridge it with the quantum information science, which utilizes the entanglement of quasi-particles as a computing and information processing resource. A prior and crucial, but seldom studied question is how magnons and photons interplay inside the cavity to manifestate their entanglement properties.
In this talk, I will first outline the recent developments in caivty spintronics and then present the antiferromagnetic magnon-magnon and magnon-photon entanglement inside a microwave cavity as well as their application potential in quantum information science. If time permits, I will further talk about the promising properties of van der Waals magnets as a platform to manipualte the entanglement of magnons.
15:45 - 16:00
Sebastián Díaz
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
Majorana Bound States Induced by Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Textures
Majorana bound states are zero-energy states predicted to emerge in topological superconductors and intense efforts seeking a definitive proof of their observation are still ongoing. A standard route to realize them involves antagonistic orders: a superconductor in proximity to a ferromagnet. Here we show this issue can be resolved using antiferromagnetic rather than ferromagnetic order. We propose to use a chain of antiferromagnetic skyrmions, in an otherwise collinear antiferromagnet, coupled to a bulk conventional superconductor as a novel platform capable of supporting Majorana bound states that are robust against disorder. Crucially, the collinear antiferromagnetic region neither suppresses superconductivity nor induces topological superconductivity, thus allowing for Majorana bound states localized at the ends of the chain. Our model introduces a new class of systems where topological superconductivity can be induced by editing antiferromagnetic textures rather than locally tuning material parameters, opening avenues for the conclusive observation of Majorana bound states.
16:00 - 16:15
Alessio Chiocchetta
(University of Cologne)
Cavity-induced quantum spin liquids
Recent developments at the interface between quantum materials and photonics are opening novel avenues to engineer hidden phases of matter.
Among these, quantum spin liquids provide paradigmatic examples of highly entangled quantum states of matter, hosting fractionalized excitations and emerging gauge fields.
In this talk, I will propose to engineer these phases by exploiting the coupling of quantum magnets to the quantized light of an optical cavity.
The interplay between the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field and the strongly correlated electrons results in a tunable long-range, frustrating interaction between spins. This cavity-induced interaction robustly stabilizes spin liquid states, which occupy an extensive region in the phase diagram spanned by the range and strength of the tailored interaction. Remarkably, this occurs even in originally unfrustrated systems, as we showcase for the Heisenberg model on the square lattice.
Finally, I will outline perspectives on how this implementation can be used for engineering further exotic states of matter, and for novel measurement protocols
16:15 - 16:30
Attila Szabó
(University of Oxford)
Neural network wave functions and the sign problem
Neural quantum states are a promising approach to studying many-body quantum physics. However, they face a major challenge when applied to lattice models: Neural networks struggle to converge to ground states with a nontrivial sign structure. Here, I present a neural network architecture with a simple, explicit, and interpretable phase ansatz, which can robustly represent such states and achieve state-of-the-art variational energies for both conventional and frustrated antiferromagnets. In the first case, the neural network correctly recovers the Marshall sign rule without any prior knowledge. For frustrated magnets, our approach uncovers low-energy states that exhibit the Marshall sign rule but does not reach the true ground state, which is expected to have a different sign structure. I discuss the possible origins of this "residual sign problem" as well as strategies for overcoming it, which may allow using neural quantum states for challenging spin liquid problems.
16:30 - 17:00
Break (via gather.town)
Chair: Stefan Wessel
17:00 - 17:45
Poster flash talks II
17:45 - 19:00
Poster Session II