Pierre Haas
Dresden, Germany
Frank Jülicher
Dresden, Germany
Steffen Rulands
Munich, Germany
The Physical Biology Circle Meeting will bring together European researchers at the leading edge of research in experimental and theoretical biological physics. The meeting aims to discuss research topics at the interface between physics and biology and to foster interactions between key European institutions in this quickly growing field. Emphasis is put on the active participation of junior researchers with lots of opportunities for contributed talks by PhD students and postdocs. All fields of biophysics are welcome.
We plan an on-site workshop.
Otger Campàs, TU Dresden
Maximina H. Yun, TU Dresden
Aurélie Bertin, Institut Curie
Sara Cuylen-Häring, EMBL Heidelberg
Alba Diz-Muñoz, EMBL Heidelberg
Stephan Grill, MPI-CBG Dresden
Edouard Hannezo, IST Austria
Anna Kicheva, IST Austria
Karsten Kruse, University of Geneva
Franziska Lautenschläger, Universität des Saarlandes
Francois Nedelec, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Albrecht Ott, Universität des Saarlandes
Ewa Paluch, University of Cambridge
Guillaume Salbreux, University of Geneva
Pablo Sartori, IGC Portugal
Thomas Surrey, CRG Barcelona
Xavier Trepat, IBEC Barcelona
Jeroen van Zon, AMOLF