talks taking place in seminar room 1-3
Chair: Kenichi Ishikawa
09:00 - 09:30
Mich-Chang Chen
(National Tsing Hua University)
High-Order Nonlinear Dipole Response Characterized by Extreme-Ultraviolet Ellipsometry
We demonstrate that polarization control and characterization of high-harmonic generation in non-collinear geometry performs as an excellent ellipsometry that can fully retrieve the amplitude and phase of ultrafast dipole response, advancing high harmonic spectroscopy.
09:30 - 10:00
Stefan Witte
(Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography, Netherlands)
Shaping and measuring coherent broadband extreme ultraviolet beams using diffractive methods
Computational imaging is an elegant approach to microscopy, in which the image formation is achieved using computer algorithms rather than optical components. This approach is particularly interesting for wavelengths at which imaging optics are challenging to manufacture, such as the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft-X-ray spectral ranges, as it allows high-resolution imaging even without using lenses.
Advanced computational imaging approaches such as ptychography even enable simultaneous reconstruction of both the object structure and the complex light field that was used to image it. This ability opens up the possibility for EUV imaging with structured light fields, which provides opportunities for exploring new contrast mechanisms and optimizing image information content.
We have recently developed methods to produce coherent EUV and soft-X-ray beams with complex spatial structure, using diffractive optical components. This has enabled e.g. simultaneous focusing of multiple wavelengths from a broadband high-harmonic generation (HHG) source, as well as the generation of soft-X-ray vortex beams consisting of superpositions of orbital angular momentum states. To characterize these structured beams, we exploit ptychographic imaging methods as a means for high-resolution wavefront sensing. In this way we are able to retrieve the complex spatial light field of such beams for multiple harmonics in parallel, and reconstruct their structural variations as they propagate through a focus.
10:00 - 10:30
Tenio Popmintchev
(University of California San Diego)
Surprise in Highly Correlated Two-Electron Atomic System: Extended Secondary Plateau in X-ray High Harmonic Generation from Helium due to Double Electron Recombination
We observe experimentally, for the first time to our knowledge, a secondary plateau in UV-driven high harmonic generation in the X-ray regime, extending the conventional cutoff from 130 eV to 300 eV, due to emission of a single photon in double recombination of highly-correlated electrons in helium atoms. The double electron recombination plateau exhibits a stronger dependence on the ellipticity of the driving UV laser, compared to the conventional cutoff from He atoms and He+ ions, and obeys a favorable cutoff scaling of approximately 5.5 times the pondermotive electron energy. Coherent X-ray generation from Ne and Ar atoms and ions, with a lower level correlation of electrons in the outermost shells, does not produce emission with characteristic double-electron recombination signatures. This observation establishes a straightforward way to detect highly correlated femtosecond-to-attosecond electron-electron dynamics in atomic, molecular systems, and materials by using high harmonic electron-correlation spectroscopy.
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
Chair: Manfred Lein
11:00 - 11:30
Alvaro Jiménez-Galán
(Max Born Institute Berlin)
Lightwave control of topological properties in 2D semiconductors
On-demand modification of quantum material properties is one of the holy grails of material science. The demonstrated feasibility to apply intense light fields, controlled at the level of individual oscillations [1], to 2D materials without optical damage [2], opened the opportunity to induce and control quantum properties that can be manipulated on the timescales of coherent electron motion.
One of the most relevant quantum properties of 2D semiconductors is their ability to host two valleys in the band structure, at K and K′ crystal momenta, that can be selected via circularly-polarized light fields resonant with the excitonic band gap, i.e., valleytronics [3]. Yet, to be of practical use, such valley initialization must be accompanied by ultrafast valley manipulation and reading. The one-photon resonant fields that are currently used in valleytronics preclude ultrafast valley switching on timescales shorter than valley lifetime and decoherence (around 100fs in the 100K temperature range [4]), limiting their use for future technological applications.
Here, we show how the use of polarization-tailored fields allows for a new regime of band structure engineering and valleytronics. First, we use a strong, non-resonant field with polarization tailored to the spatial symmetry of the crystal lattice to modify the topological properties of a 2D material, allowing to controllably lift the valley degeneracy on few-cycle timescales [5]. This scheme allows for the realization of the topological model of Haldane in monolayer, multi-layer and bulk hexagonal semiconductors with few-femtosecond control [6,7]. Second, we use a train of polarization- and time-controlled weak femtosecond pulses to switch on and off the valley state in transition metal dichalcogenides on less than 100fs [8]. Finally, we introduce an orbital perspective of high-harmonic generation in solids which allows to identify the atomic contributions to the high-harmonic emission, as well as to suppress or enhance the contribution of particular atoms in the lattice. We validate our theory with intensity- and angle-dependent high-harmonic measurements in ReS$_2$ [9].
[1] A. Wirth et al., Science 334 6053 (2011)
[2] H. Liu et al., Nat. Phys. 13 262 (2017)
[3] J. Schaibley et al., Nat. Rev. Mat. 1 16055 (2016)
[4] K. Hao et al., Nat. Phys. 12 677 (2016)
[5] A. Jimenez-Galan et al. Nat. Photonics 14 728 (2022)
[6] I. Tyulnev et al., arXiv 2302.12564 (2023)
[7] S. Mitra et al., to be sumbitted (2023)
[8] A. Jimenez-Galan et al., Opt. Express 30 30347 (2022)
[9] A. Jimenez-Galan et al., submitted (2023)
11:30 - 12:00
Gerhard G. Paulus
(Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
Bessel beams
12:00 - 12:30
Rui Emanuel Ferreira da Silva
(ICMM-CSIC - Materials Science Institute of Madrid, Spain)
Strong field physics in solids from a Wannier perspective
The recent discovery of high harmonic generation in solids [1], merging the fields of strong field and condensed matter physics, opened the door for the direct observation of Bloch oscillations [1], all-optical reconstruction of the band structure [2] and direct observation of the influence of the Berry curvature in the optical response [3]. In this work, we will focus on high harmonic generation in strongly correlated and topological materials. First, I will show how high harmonic spectroscopy can be used to induce and time resolve insulator-to-metal transitions in strongly correlated materials, using the Hubbard model [4]. I will further demonstrate how high harmonic spectroscopy can be used to identify topological phases of matter and how the Berry curvature leaves its fingerprint in the nonlinear optical response of the material [5]. Using a combination of w-2w counter-rotating strong circular fields, we demonstrate that we are able to induce valley polarization in hexagonal 2D materials and use HHG spectroscopy to read the valley polarization [6]. I will also show how non-linear optical spectroscopy can be used to image the electronic structure of twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle [8]. At last, I will show how the use of Wannier orbitals can be useful in the calculation of the nonlinear optical response of solids [7].
[1] S. Ghimire et al., Nat. Phys., 7 138-141 (2011
[2] G. Vampa et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 115 193603 (2015)
[3] H. Liu et al., Nat. Phys., 13 262-265 (2017)
[4] R. E. F. Silva, I. Blinov, A. Rubtsov, O. Smirnova and M. Ivanov, Nat. Phot., 12 266-270 (2018)
[5] R. E. F. Silva, Á. Jiménez-Galán, B. Amorim, O. Smirnova, M. Ivanov, Nat. Phot., 13 849-854 (2019)
[6] Á. Jiménez-Galán, R. E. F. Silva, O. Smirnova, M. Ivanov, Nat. Phot. Nat. Phot. 14 728-732 (2020)
[7] R. E. F. Silva, F. Martin, M. Ivanov, Phys. Rev. B, 100 195201 (2019)
[8] E. B. Molinero et al. arXiv.2302.04127 (2023)
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 14:00
Chair: Liang-You Peng
14:00 - 14:30
Josef Freudenstein
(University of Regensburg)
Sculpting the quantum trajectories of Bloch electrons with phase-locked multi-terahertz fields
Lightwave electronics has pushed the control of condensed matter to record short time scales. By harnessing the carrier wave of intense phase-locked light pulses as an alternating voltage [1-16], electrons can be driven faster than a cycle of light, opening up a fascinating coherent quantum world. Phase-stable multi-terahertz (THz) pulses have been uniquely adapted to the energy scales of delocalized Bloch electrons in crystalline solids, enabling dynamical Bloch oscillations [3-6], quasiparticle collisions [7-10], all-optical band-structure reconstruction [9], and subcycle Dirac currents [11,12]. THz fields can also switch the spin [13] and the valley pseudospin [8,14] and drive atomically resolved ultrafast currents [15] and forces [16].
Yet, resolving the influence of many-body correlations on the trajectories of delocalized Bloch electrons directly in the time domain has remained an open challenge. Here, we use THz fields to force electron–hole pairs in crystalline semiconductors onto closed trajectories and clock the delay between separation and recollision with a 300 as precision, corresponding to 0.7\% of the driving field’s oscillation period. We detect that strong Coulomb correlations emergent in atomically thin WSe\textsubscript{2} shift the optimal timing of recollisions by up to 1.2 fs compared to the bulk material [10]. Also valley-specific phase-space filling, Pauli-repulsion and screening influence the dynamics of the charge carriers. The resulting attosecond chronoscopy of delocalized electrons could revolutionize our understanding of phase transitions and emergent quantum-dynamic phenomena for future electronic, optoelectronic, and quantum-information technologies.
Most recently, we also succeeded in utilizing topologically non-trivial trajectories of quasi-relativistic electrons, to optically engineer Floquet-Bloch bands. In the first-ever subcycle band-structure videography in the strong-field limit, we directly visualize the birth of Floquet-Bloch states within a single oscillation cycle of the carrier field and witness their collapse by scattering [12]. These results mediate a direct time-domain view of Floquet physics, explore the fundamental frontiers of ultrafast band-structure engineering, and pave the way for the investigation of novel exotic phases of matter.
[1] P. B. Corkum and F. Krausz, Nat. Phys. 3, 381 (2007) and references therein.
[2] D. Shafir et al., Nature 485, 343 (2012).
[3] O. Schubert et al., Nat. Photon. 8, 119 (2014).
[4] M. Hohenleutner et al., Nature 523, 572 (2015).
[5] Y. S. You et al., Nat. Commun. 8, 724 (2017).
[6] C. P. Schmid et al., Nature 593, 385 (2021).
[7] F. Langer et al., Nature 533, 225 (2016).
[8] F. Langer et al., Nature 557, 76 (2018).
[9] M. Borsch et al., Science 370, 1204 (2020).
[10] J. Freudenstein et al., Nature 610, 290-295 (2022).
[11] J. Reimann et al., Nature 562, 396 (2018).
[12] S. Ito, et al., in press (2023).
[13] S. Schlauderer et al., Nature 569, 383 (2019).
[14] Á. Jiménez-Galán et al., Nat. Photon. 14, 728 (2020).
[15] T. L. Cocker, D. Peller et al., Nature 539, 263 (2016).
[16] D. Peller et al., Nature 585, 58 (2020).J. Freudenstein\textsuperscript{1}, M. Meierhofer\textsuperscript{1}, S. Ito\textsuperscript{3}, M. Borsch\textsuperscript{2}, M. Schüler\textsuperscript{4}, J. Güdde\textsuperscript{3}, M. Sentef\textsuperscript{5}, U. Höfer\textsuperscript{3}, M. Kira\textsuperscript{2}, and R. Huber\textsuperscript{1}\\
\textsuperscript{1}Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany\\
\textsuperscript{2}Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA\\
\textsuperscript{3}Department of Physics, Philipps-University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany\\
\textsuperscript{4}Condensed Matter Theory Group, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland\\
\textsuperscript{5}Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany\\
14:30 - 15:00
Utso Bhattacharya
(CFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)
Light Matters: Dynamical Spectroscopy using Ultrafast Lasers
15:00 - 15:30
Carlos Trallero
(University of Connecticut)
Zeptosecond and sub-mrad control of quantum equivalent non-local XUV pulses
Through the application of intertwined wavefronts to an intense femtosecond pulse we can create two XUV pulses that are separated in space and yet have a phase jitter of 0.1mrad or 6zs at ~80nm of center wavelength. High harmonic generation creates XUV pulses between the 7th and the 17th harmonic of the fundamental 800nm . We perform single-, and two-photon interferometric experiments to show that each photon carries the full high harmonic spectrum. This was established by collapsing the wavefunction of the first XUV photon followed by a measurement of a second XUV photon. Both measurements are spatially and spectrally resolved. The presence of spatial interference in this case, shows that while highly coherent, the two photons are not entangled. The delay between the pulses can be controller with a resolution of <100zs. We discuss applications to molecular dynamics spectroscopy.
15:30 - 16:00
Francois Mauger
(Louisiana State University)
Understanding and probing charge migration in organic molecules
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break
Chair: Mikhail Ivanov
16:30 - 17:00
Katarzyna Krajewska
(University of Warsaw)
Electron vortex states (EVS) in high-energy ionization
17:00 - 17:30
Alexandra Landsman
(The Ohio State University)
High harmonic generation at metal-insulator interfaces
17:30 - 18:00
Matan Even Tsur
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Quiver motion and ponderomotive energy of charged particles in bright squeezed vacuum
In extreme nonlinear optics, matter is illuminated by intense light, which results in electronic quiver motion. For a free electron, the cycle-averaged energy of such a quiver motion is known as the ponderomotive energy. However, as they are currently formulated, these concepts are not applicable to charged particles driven by bright squeezed vacuum, and more generally, by light fields with a vanishing coherent electric field amplitude.
In this talk, I will present a detailed numerical & analytical study of the motion of free and bound electrons driven by quantum light, focusing on multi-mode squeezed vacuum state. This study resolves many aspects of the dynamics, including bound and unbound free-electron width oscillations & their ponderomotive energy, Rabi-like oscillations between bound states, and the sub-cycle structure of tunnel ionization rates induced by squeezed vacuum. I will show that all these effects stem from an effective photon-statistics force, and discuss its implications on three-step trajectories in high harmonic generation.
18:00 - 18:30
Closing remarks
18:30 - 19:30
19:30 - 21:00
Informal discussions