Jörg Schumacher
(Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany)
Tobias Schneider
(EPFL STI IGM ECPS, Lausanne, Switzerland)
The focus of this workshop is on the current state of
phase space analysis in complex nonlinear systems
applied to transitional and turbulent flows, active
living matter and quantum systems. The meeting
is held in memoriam of Prof. Bruno Eckhardt,
whose pioneering work over the past decades has
led to significant developments in this field.
Mahesh M. Bandi (JP)
Eberhard Bodenschatz (DE)
Guido Boffetta (IT)
Predrag Cvitanović (US)
Charles R. Doering (US)
Michael D. Graham (US)
Björn Hof (AT)
Rich Kerswell (UK)
Daniel Lathrop (US)
Peter Lenz (DE)
Moritz Linkmann (DE)
Detlef Lohse (NL)
Valerio Lucarini (UK)
Beverley J. McKeon (US)
Bernhard Mehlig (SE)
Jeff Moehlis (US)
Alexander Morozov (UK)
Arkady Pikovsky (DE)
Itamar Procaccia (IL)
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan (US)
Tamás Tél (HU)
Laurette Tuckerman (FR)
Holger Waalkens (NL)
Jakub Zakrzewski (PL)
Walter Zimmermann (DE)