MPI-PKS Dresden
MPI-PKS Dresden
ICTP Trieste
Recent developments have opened up new avenues in characterizing and probing the real-time dynamics of quantum matter far from equilibrium. This short workshop aims at bringing together scientists in the field to give an overview over recent progress and future research directions.
The virtual format of the workshop is designed to provide a platform to reinforce scientific exchange during the present times characterized by severe travel constraints.
Dima Abanin (Geneva, CH)
Antoine Browaeys (Paris, FR)
Paul Fendley (Oxford, UK)
Nicolas Laflorencie (Toulouse, FR)
Guido Pagano (Houston, US)
Anatoli Polkovnikov (Boston, US)
Federica Maria Surace (Trieste, IT)
Juan-Diego Urbina (Regensburg, DE)