09:00 - 09:45
Martin Zwierlein
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Geometric Squeezing and Crystallization of Bosonic Quantum Hall States
09:45 - 10:15
Eric Bertok
(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Splitting of topological charge pumping in an interacting two-component fermionic Rice-Mele Hubbard mode
A Thouless pump transports an integer amount of charge when pumping adiabatically around a singularity.
We study the splitting of such a critical point into two separate critical points by adding a Hubbard interaction. Furthermore, we consider extensions to a spinful Rice-Mele model, namely a staggered magnetic field or an Ising-type spin coupling, further reducing the spin symmetry.
The resulting models additionally allow for the transport of a single charge in a two-component system of spinful fermions, whereas in the absence of interactions, zero or two charges are pumped. In the SU(2)-symmetric case, the ionic Hubbard model is visited once along pump cycles that enclose a single singularity. Adding a staggered magnetic field additionally transports an integer amount of spin while the Ising term realizes a pure charge pump.
We employ real-time simulations in finite and infinite systems to calculate the adiabatic charge and spin transport, complemented by the analysis of gaps and the many-body polarization to confirm the adiabatic nature of the pump. The resulting charge pumps are expected to be measurable in finite-pumping speed experiments in ultra-cold atomic gases, for which the SU\((2)\) invariant version is the most promising path. We discuss the implications of our results for a related quantum-gas experiment by Walter \textit{et al.} [arXiv:2204.06561].
10:15 - 10:45
coffee break
10:45 - 11:30
Nathan Goldman
Chiral orbital order of ultracold bosons without higher bands
Interactions in higher Bloch bands provide a remarkable setting for realizing many-body states that spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry.
Here, we show that the low-energy physics of interacting bosons in a plaquette pierced by pi-flux shares feature of p-band bosons, thus displaying condensates with chiral orbital order. We analyze the excitations of the condensate in terms of two orbital-like degrees of freedom and identify a gapped collective mode corresponding to the out-of-phase oscillations of the relative density and phase of the two orbitals. We further highlight the chiral nature of the ground state by revealing the cyclotron-like dynamics of the density upon quenching an impurity potential on a single site. This single-plaquette construction can be used as a building block for extended dimerized lattices with local orbital order, as we exemplify by using the Benalcazar-Bernevig-Hughes model. Our results provide a distinct direction to realize interacting orbital-like models with broken time-reversal symmetry, without resorting to higher bands nor to external drives, with direct implications for cold gases and nonlinear photonics.
11:30 - 12:00
Luca Asteria
(Hamburg University)
Microscopy of ultracold atoms in optical lattice via quantum gas magnification
In this contribution we present results on quantum gas magnification as a microscopy
tool for ultracold atoms in optical lattices.
We developed a matter wave optics protocol which magnifies the atomic density
distribution by almost two orders of magnitude [1], allowing to image the magnified
cloud in a single-shot and with sub-lattice resolution by using standard optical
imaging techniques. This approach works with 3D systems
with many particles per lattice site, because it does not have the limitations of a small
depth of focus and of light induced collisions.
We demonstrate sub-lattice
resolution by observing the dynamics within the lattice sites after a
lattice potential quench, and we realize single-site addressing using magnetic resonance techniques.
We report on a novel phenomenon that occurs in the regime of many particles
per lattice site when introducing a strong force into the system; this makes the correlated tunneling of
pairs of atoms the relevant dynamical process and causes the spontaneous formation of a density wave [2].
Quantum gas magnification opens the path for spatially resolved studies of new
quantum many-body regimes, like e.g. 3D systems, orbital lattices, and lattice
geometries with smaller lattice spacing.
We finally discuss the novel multi-frequency scheme for optical lattices with dynamically tunable geometry and present experimental results and possible multi-frequency realizations of tunable 3D lattices and quasicrystals [3].
[1] L. Asteria et al., Nature 599, 571-575 (2021)
[2] H. P. Zahn et al., PRX 12, 021014 (2022)
[3] M. N. Kosch et al., https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.03811
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:45
Jacqueline Bloch
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS))
Non-linear photonics in topological polariton lattices
I would like to send the abstract of my talk later.
Sorry for the inconvenience
14:45 - 15:30
Iacopo Carusotto
(NO-CNR BEC Center)
Excitations and dynamics of fractional quantum Hall fluids of light and of atoms
15:30 - 16:00
Lukas Sieberer
(University of Innsbruck)
Relaxation to a parity-time symmetric generalized Gibbs ensemble after a quantum quench in a driven-dissipative Kitaev chain
The construction of the generalized Gibbs ensemble, to which isolated integrable quantum many-body systems relax after a quantum quench, is based upon the principle of maximum entropy. In contrast, there are no universal and model-independent laws that govern the relaxation dynamics and stationary states of open quantum systems, which are subjected to Markovian drive and dissipation. Yet, as we show, relaxation of driven-dissipative systems after a quantum quench can, in fact, be determined by a maximum entropy ensemble, if the Liouvillian that generates the dynamics of the system has parity-time symmetry. Focusing on the specific example of a driven-dissipative Kitaev chain, we show that, similarly to isolated integrable systems, the approach to a parity-time symmetric generalized Gibbs ensemble becomes manifest in the relaxation of local observables and the dynamics of subsystem entropies. In contrast, the directional pumping of fermion parity, which is induced by nontrivial non-Hermitian topology of the Kitaev chain, represents a phenomenon that is unique to relaxation dynamics in driven-dissipative systems. Upon increasing the strength of dissipation, parity-time symmetry is broken at a finite critical value, which thus constitutes a sharp dynamical transition that delimits the applicability of the principle of maximum entropy. While we focus here on the specific example of the Kitaev chain, our results generalize readily to all parity-time symmetric and integrable driven-dissipative systems that are described by or can be mapped to noninteracting fermions.
16:00 - 16:45
coffee break
16:45 - 17:15
Hongzheng Zhao
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Making Trotterization adaptive for NISQ devices and beyond
The digital simulation of quantum many-body dynamics, one of the most promising applications of quantum computers, involves Trotterization as a key element. It is an outstanding challenge to formulate a quantum algorithm allowing adaptive Trotter time steps. This is particularly relevant for today's noisy intermediate scale quantum devices, where the minimization of the circuit depth is a central optimization task. Here, we introduce an adaptive Trotterization scheme providing a controlled solution of the quantum many-body dynamics of local observables. Our quantum algorithm outperforms conventional fixed-time step Trotterization schemes in a quantum quench and even allows for a controlled asymptotic long-time error, where Trotterized dynamics generically enter challenging regimes. This adaptive method can also be generalized to protect various other kinds of symmetries, which we illustrate by preserving the local Gauss's law in a lattice gauge theory. We discuss the requirements imposed by experimental resources, and point out that our adaptive Trotterization scheme can be of use also in numerical approaches based on Trotterization such as in time-evolving block decimation methods.
17:15 - 17:45
Youjiang Xu
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Invisible flat bands on a topological chiral edge
We prove that invisible bands associated with zeros of the single-particle Green's function exist ubiquitously at topological interfaces of 2D Chern insulators, dual to the chiral edge/domain-wall modes. We verify this statement in a repulsive Hubbard model with a topological flat band, using real-space dynamical mean-field theory to study the domain walls of its ferromagnetic ground state. Moreover, our numerical results show that the chiral modes are split into branches due to the
interaction, and that the branches are connected by invisible flat bands. Our work provides deeper insight into interacting topological systems.
17:45 - 18:30
18:30 - 20:00
dinner at the restaurant Irodion Pallas (Greek restaurant)
Bienertstraße 55
Poster session (main building, 2nd floor)