Christian Enss
(University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Moshe Schechter
(Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Alexander Shnirman
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Atomic tunneling systems and fluctuating spins
constitute a serious nuisance for various Josephson
junction-based devices, where they act as a source
of noise and decoherence.
The workshop aims to advance the fundamental
understanding of tunneling systems, spins and
superconducting qubits and their interaction, and
to promote progress towards future applications
like quantum computing.
Yoakim Bergli (NO)
Alexander Burin (US)
Jared Cole (AU)
Martin Cyster (AU)
Lara Faoro (FR)
Andrew Fefferman (FR)
Yuri Galperin (NO)
Sebastian de Graaf (UK)
Pertti Hakonen (FI)
Nadav Katz (IL)
Sebastian Kempf (DE)
Sergy Kubatkin (SE)
Jürgen Lisenfeld (DE)
John Martinis (US)
Shlomi Matityahu (IL)
Clemens Mueller (CH)
Peter Nalbach (DE)
Jukka Pekola (FI)
Kevin Osborn (US)
Yaniv Rosen (US)
Georg Weiss (DE)
Clare Yu (US)