Neil Broderick
(The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Bernd Krauskopf
(The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Kathy Lüdge
(Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
The workshop will bring together leading experimentalists, theoretical physicists and applied mathematicians to foster an improved understanding of fundamental processes and complex phenome- na in lasers and more general optical cavities. This in turn is expected to lead to smaller, faster and more energy-efficient optical devices that are capable of generating signals, storing them and even processing them.
Thorsten Ackemann (UK)
Nail Akhmediev (AU)
Andreas Amann (IE)
Uwe Bandelow (DE)
Sylvain Barbay (FR)
Stéphane Barland (FR)
Stefan Breuer (DE)
Marcel G. Clerc (CL)
Cornelia Denz (DE)
Miro Erkintalo (NZ)
Ingo Fischer (ES)
Regine Frank (US)
Goëry Genty (FI)
Alejandro Giacomotti (FR)
Peter Grassberger (CA)
Tatiana Habruseva (IE)
Julien Javaloyes (ES)
Bryan Kelleher (IE)
Laurent Larger (FR)
Cristina Masoller (ES)
Stephan Reitzenstein (DE)
Eckehard Schöll (DE)
Marc Sciamanna (FR)
Moti Segev (IL)
Jorge Tredicce (AR)
Andrei G. Vladimirov (DE)
Sebastian Wieczorek (IE)
Frank Wise (US)