Korrelationstage 2019

Workshop report

Korrelationstage 2019

Scientific Coordination

  • Thierry Giamarchi (Université de Genève, Switzerland)
  • Corinna Kollath (Universität Bonn, Germany)
  • David Luitz (Max Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany)


Katrin Lantsch (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden)

The international MPI-PKS workshop Korrelationstage 2019 was held from 16 - 20 September 2019.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together the international community working on strongly correlated systems in the broader context of condensed matter and ultracold atomic systems. The meeting is a traditional conference organized biannually at MPI-PKS since 1995, and has as one of its central objectives the identification and promotion of the next generation of researchers in the field.

This year's instance put a particularly strong focus on this goal by selecting  junior researchers as invited speakers (47 talks) who do not yet have a permanent faculty position.  This selection of young speakers was extended by 4 well established experimental keynote speakers: Claudia Felser (MPI-CPfS), Michael Köhl (U Bonn), Luca Perfetti (Ecole Polytechnique), and  Jean-Marc Triscone (U Geneva). The workshop Colloquium on Monday was given by Christian Rüegg (PSI). All other participants including the senior researcher (out of a total of 115) were given the opportunity to present their research as posters (58 posters in total). In addition several well established members of the community served as chair for the sessions. 

The selection of the invited speakers was done in a community effort using a new nomination system. A large number of colleagues (consisting in particular of attendants of previous events) were asked to nominate junior researchers for talks. This call was well received and the organizers tried to make a balanced selection of the most promising candidates.

The somewhat unusually strong spotlight on non-tenured invited speakers was generally well appreciated by the participants of the conferences and due to the competitive selection of the speakers, the quality of the presented talks was very high.
In addition, since most senior colleagues presented their work in the form of posters, the poster sessions were well attended and led to lively and in depth discussions which continued over dinner.

Further discussions and collaborations in smaller groups were enabled by the reservation of 6 discussion rooms for the participants.

In summary, the conference was a very successful meeting where many interesting ideas were exchanged, hopefully leading to new connections and collaborations within the community. Several particularly promising new developments in the areas of tensor network methods and artificial neural networks as well as in the area of quantum computing were discussed and sparked strong interest among the participants.

The scientific coordinators are very grateful to the visitor's program and in particular to Katrin Lantsch for the outstanding organization of the workshop. Her professional, experienced and always friendly attitude towards everyone was highly appreciated by all participants and guaranteed a smooth and very successful workshop.