Manfred Lein
(Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
Gerhard Paulus
(Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik , Jena, Germany)
Jan-Michael Rost
(Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)
Quantum systems in the presence of strong controlled light constitute the central theme of this workshop. With controlled fields, processes such as chemical reactions or electron emission can be influenced and information about the microscopic world can be gained.
The workshop includes presentations from the DFG Priority Programme QUTIF as well as invited talks by external experts.
Isabelle Auffret-Babak (UK)
Andreas Becker (US)
Zenghu Chang (US)
Nina Rohringer (DE)
Henrik Stapelfeldt (DK)
Andrea Trabattoni (DE)
Giulio Vampa (CA)