09:30 - 10:00
Roderich Moessner
(Director MPIPKS)
& Scientific Organizers
Opening of the Workshop
Chair: Peter Achermann (University of Zurich)
Paradigms and Levels
10:00 - 10:45
Joana Cabral
(Oxford University)
Connectome Frequencies and macro-scale brain rhythms
The dynamics of complex networks has been the subject of investigation of a large body of research in the area of nonlinear physics (Strogatz, 2001). Dynamical units, coupled together through specific network structures give rise to complex phenomena that can be solved analytically and numerically. Particular complexity arises when the networks have non-trivial connection topologies (Watts and Strogatz, 1998) and time-delayed interactions (Yeung and Strogatz, 1999), which increase the dimensionality of the system and enrich the repertoire of dynamical behaviours that the network can exhibit.
The brain, with its billions of interconnected neurons, falls in the far end of network complexity and can hardly be solved analytically. However, insights into puzzling empirical observations can be obtained using simplified network models exhibiting similar phenomena (Breakspear, 2017, Cabral et al., 2017). One of such puzzling cases is the spontaneous emergence of macro-scale rhythms spanning 2 orders of magnitude, between 1 and 100Hz. Almost a century after the first EEG recordings (Berger, 1924), and despite their evident implications for brain function, the generative mechanisms of such macro-scale brain rhythms, with periods up to 1 second, remain under debate.
For a system to display oscillations with a given frequency, there needs to be a combination of time constants that define its periodicity. While the action potential of a single neuron lasts only a couple of milliseconds, time constants arising from excitatory and inhibitory synaptic mechanisms together with finite axonal propagation speed allow for slower rhythms to be generated at the neural network level. However, the time constants within a neural mass have only been shown to generate rhythms in the gamma frequency range (30-100Hz), both experimentally in-vitro (Buhl et al., 1998) and theoretically (Brunel and Wang, 2003). As such, all indicators suggest that rhythms slower than the gamma range implicate connectivity to other brain structures. However, wether there is a rhythmic external drive coming from the thalamus or from higher order cortex remains unclear.
In the early nineties, Niebur, Schuster and Kammen (1991) studied the behaviour of coupled oscillators in the presence of time delays and reported ‘a novel form of frequency depression where the system decays to stable states, which oscillate at a delay- and interaction-dependent reduced collective frequency’.
Following the findings of Niebur and colleagues, we investigate the behaviour of brain areas with an intrinsic frequency in the gamma-band (40Hz) when coupled together with realistic whole-brain connectivity and with long-range transmission delays in the order of ~10ms (Cabral et al., 2014, Cabral et al., in preparation).
We find that the system displays a broad range of stable collective frequencies ranging between 1 and 100Hz, which can be nicely tuned by an interplay between the global coupling weight and the local oscillatory drive.
The evidence of Connectome Frequencies in the same range of the empirically-observed macro-scale brain rhythms reveals that time-delays between brain areas are not only non-negligible but likely play a role in shaping the brain in dynamical networks with function-specific resonant frequencies.
Strogatz SH (2001) Exploring complex networks. Nature 410:268-276.
Watts DJ, Strogatz SH (1998) Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks. Nature 393:440-442.
Yeung MKS, Strogatz SH (1999) Time Delay in the Kuramoto Model of Coupled Oscillators. Physical review letters 82:648-651.
Breakspear M (2017) Dynamic models of large-scale brain activity. Nature Neuroscience 20 (3), 340-352.
Cabral J, Kringelbach M, Deco G (2017) Functional Connectivity dynamically evolves on multiple time-scales over a static Structural Connectome: Models and Mechanisms. NeuroImage. In Press
Berger H; Gray, CM (1929). "Uber das Elektroenkephalogramm des Menschen". Arch Psychiat Nervenkr. 87: 527–570.
Cabral J, Luckhoo H, Woolrich M, Joensson M, Mohseni H, Baker A, Kringelbach ML, Deco G (2014b) Exploring mechanisms of spontaneous functional connectivity in MEG: how delayed network interactions lead to structured amplitude envelopes of band-pass filtered oscillations. NeuroImage 90:423-435.
10:45 - 11:05
Coffee break
11:05 - 11:50
Christoph Michel
(University Geneva)
EEG microstates as building blocks of information processing
Recent research on brain functions using whole-brain imaging methods have led a radical change in the interpretation of the brain state during rest: rather than considering the brain inactive and simply reacting to incoming stimuli, the prevailing hypothesis now is that the brain is inherently active in an organized way at rest to be optimally prepared for stimulus processing. A vast amount of fMRI studies looking at BOLD fluctuations at rest showed correlated amplitude fluctuations in different brain areas that resembles networks activated during tasks. It has been proposed that these resting state networks reflect a sort of “constant inner state of exploration” to make the system optimally prepared for a given impending input and thus influencing perception and cognitive processing. While this idea intuitively makes sense, the fluctuations seen with fMRI are too slow to prepare for a given unpredictable input and to allow a fast and adequate reaction. In order to mediate complex mental activities and optimally respond to the rapidly changing information input, the networks have to reorganize in different spatial patterns on a sub-second time scale (Bressler, Brain Res Rev, 1995). MEG and EEG can record fluctuations on this time scale and are thus better suited to study the fast dynamics of resting states and their influence on stimulus processing. An increasingly recognized way to study the spatial and temporal properties of resting-state networks recorded with multichannel EEG is based on the concept of EEG microstates, which are defined as global patterns of scalp potential topographies recorded with multichannel EEG arrays that dynamically vary over time in an organized manner. More concretely, the broad-band spontaneous EEG at rest can be described by a limited number of scalp potential topographies that remain stable for a certain period of time (80-120 ms) before rapidly transitioning to a different topography that remains stable again. These discrete epochs of topographic stability have been called “microstates” with the idea that the scalp potential field describes the momentary state of global neuronal activity and that changes of the topography of this field indicate changes of the global coordination of neuronal activity over time (Lehmann et al., Scholarpedia 2009). Several studies demonstrated that disturbances of mental processes related to neurological and psychiatric conditions manifest as changes in the temporal dynamics of specific microstates. Combined EEG-fMRI studies and EEG source imaging indicated that EEG microstates are closely related to resting state networks observed with fMRI. The scale-free properties of EEG microstates time series explain why similar networks can be observed at such different time scales. This talk will l give an overview of what brain electromagnetic microstates stand for, the available analysis procedures, the functional interpretations and their behavioral and clinical correlates known so far.
11:50 - 12:15
Christian O'Reilly
(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Can microscopic scale modeling be used for brain imaging?
By introducing a ground-breaking technique known as Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM), Karl Friston and his collaborators have provided a bridge between the macroscopic scale (e.g., whole brain EEG/MEG recordings) and the mesoscopic scale (local field potential generated by cortical columns). In this technique, a model of interconnected neural masses representing cortical columns is postulated as the generator of the brain activity associated with a particular task. This model is then inverted through Bayesian estimation so that mesoscopic connectivity parameters can be estimated through non-invasive neuroimaging. It is unlikely that establishing such a direct bridge between the macroscopic and the microscopic scale could be made. The massive over parametrization of a microscopic model from a very sparse neuroimaging recordings would make any attempts of inverse modeling a most certainly futile endeavour. Furthermore, the simulation of extensive microscopic scale models is too demanding from a computational point of view to be performed in loop for inverse modeling in the context of a daily clinical use. However, we propose that the mesoscopic scale can act as a stepping stone in integrating knowledge across spatial scales to improve clinical neuroimaging. The physiologically detailed simulation of the brain involved in the Blue Brain Project is an excellent platform for the integration and synthesis of neuroscientific knowledge in various paradigms (patch clamping, single cell sequencing, ion channel study, etc.). Such simulation platform could be leveraged to feed a priori information in detailed mesoscopic scale neural mass models though Bayesian techniques. These models, tuned from the microscopic scale, could then be used for neuroimaging using the Bayesian framework and DCM. This talk will explore the potential and limits of such a cross-scale integration scheme.
12:15 - 13:30
Lunch and discussions
Chair: Thomas Wennekeres (University of Plymouth)
13:30 - 14:15
Saskia Haegens
(Columbia University)
The role of the alpha rhythm in directing attention
Using a range of electrophysiological methods, we have extensively tested the proposal that the alpha rhythm (8–14 Hz) reflects an active mechanism of functional inhibition: decreased alpha activity facilitates processing whereas increased alpha functions to suppress task-irrelevant and/or distracting input, with clear benefits for behavioural performance. Here, I will present evidence in support of this framework, from (1) human MEG studies, showing that alpha power modulations reflect the direction of spatial attention, a mechanism under top-down control, with behavioural consequences; (2) MEG as well as intracranial recordings in humans, showing inter- and intra-subject variability of alpha frequency over areas and tasks; and (3) intracranial LFP and spike recordings in non-human primates, showing that the alpha rhythm phasically modulates spike firing rate.
Key in this line of work is the combination of several recording levels, allowing us to draw bridges between (population-level) brain oscillations and behaviour, as well as between brain oscillations and single cell activity.
14:15 - 14:40
Tilo Schwalger
(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Bridging scales in cortical networks: from spiking neurons to mesoscopic neural population dynamics
Neural population equations such as Wilson-Cowan equations, neural mass or field models are widely used to study brain activity on a large scale such as EEG, MEG or fMRI activity. How these large-scale models are linked to the properties of single neurons is however unclear. Here we derive stochastic mean-field equations for several interacting populations at the {\em mesoscopic} scale starting from a {\em microscopic} model of interconnected generalized integrate-and-fire (GIF) neurons. Each population consists of 50 -- 2000 neurons of the same type but different populations account for different neuron types. On the microscopic level, the spiking of various cortical neuron types can be well predicted by the GIF model. On the mesoscopic scale, the stochastic integro-differential equations that we find account for both finite-size fluctuations of the population activity and pronounced spike-history effects in single-neuron activity such as refractoriness and adaptation. The mesoscopic dynamics reproduces the rich stochastic population dynamics obtained from microscopic simulations of the full spiking neural network model. Going beyond classical mean-field theories for $N->\infty$, our finite-$N$ theory describes nonlinear emergent dynamics such as finite-size-induced stochastic transitions in multistable networks and synchronization in balanced networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We use the mesoscopic equations to rapidly integrate a model of a cortical microcircuit consisting of eight neuron types, which allows us to predict spontaneous population activities as well as evoked responses to thalamic input. Our theory establishes a general framework for modeling finite-size neural population dynamics based on single cell and synapse parameters and offers an efficient approach to analyzing cortical circuits and
computations. Therefore, we expect that our novel mesoscopic population theory will be instrumental for understanding experimental data on information processing in the brain, and ultimately link microscopic and macroscopic activity patterns.
T. Schwalger, M. Deger, and W. Gerstner. Towards a theory of cortical
columns: From spiking neurons to interacting neural populations of
finite size. ArXiv e-prints, November 2016.
14:40 - 15:05
Jordi Soriano Fradera
(University of Barcelona)
Neuronal cultures: a proxy for brain research at the mesoscopic scale?
Neuronal cultures provide a simple yet versatile experimental platform to monitor the behavior of a living neuronal network, and model it through Physics toolboxes such as dynamical systems or network theory. These in vitro networks are prepared by plating an ensemble of neurons over a substrate, which quickly connect to one another and shape within a week a de novo assembly with rich spontaneous activity.
An important trait of neuronal cultures is that they allow the investigation of a number of neuronal network phenomena at a mesoscopic scale, i.e. in populations of few thousand neurons. In our laboratory, and using state-of-the-art fluorescence imaging technology, we can monitor all the neurons in fields of view on the order of a hundred mm2, and with both high temporal and spatial resolutions. Such a detailed monitoring allows to link single neuronal dynamics and connectivity traits to collective phenomena. Specifically, we investigate open questions in neuroscience and brain research such as the emergence of spontaneous activity, the importance of spatial embedding, the repertoire of activity patterns, or the resilience of neuronal networks to chemical or physical damage.
The versatility and easy access of neuronal cultures, as well as the ability to act on them, has made them very attractive as a complementary tool to brain research. This has become particularly important in the last years in the context of neurological disorders. Here we will show how advances in ‘induced pluripotent stem cells’, for instance, has facilitated the preparation of neuronal cultures with specific diseases, their monitoring through development, the characterization of altered dynamics, and the potential impact of specific therapies to treat the disease or reduce network damage. These investigations can be seen as an excellent proxy to later target specific diseases in actual brains.
15:05 - 15:50
Bruno Cessac
(INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Multi scale dynamics in retinal waves
Spontaneous waves of spiking activity are observed in the retina during development. This activity is thought to play a central role in shaping the visual system and retinal circuitry. Waves first occur at early embryonic stages of development and gradually disappear upon maturation. This process involves several time and space scales from molecular level (neurotransmitters), to neuron, to neurons population in the retina. I will present a model describing these different scales, accurate enough to reproduce experiments and to predict experimental results. This model can also be studied by tools from dynamical systems theory and bifurcations analysis. In my talk I will present part of this analysis linking it to biophysics and experiments.
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break
16:30 - 17:30
msbdy17 colloquium
Chair: Steffen Rulands (MPIPKS)
Markus Diesmann (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
The multi-scale structure and dynamics of macaque visual cortex at cellular and synaptic resolution
The cortical microcircuit, the network comprising a square millimeter of brain tissue, has been the subject of intense experimental and theoretical research. A full-scale model of the microcircuit at
cellular and synaptic resolution [1] containing about 100,000 neurons and one billion local synapses exhibits fundamental properties of in vivo activity. Despite this success, the explanatory power of local
models is limited as half of the synapses of each excitatory nerve cell have non-local origins. We therefore set out to construct a multi-scale spiking network model of all vision-related areas of macaque cortex that represents each area by a full-scale microcircuit with area-specific architecture. The layer- and population-resolved network connectivity integrates axonal tracing data from the CoCoMac database with recent quantitative tracing data, and is refined using dynamical constraints. This research program raises methodological as well as technological questions: Are simulations at this scale feasible with available computer hardware [2]? Are full-scale simulations necessary, or can models of appropriately downscaled density be studied instead [3]? And finally: How can dynamical constraints be built into a high-dimensional spiking network model [4]? The talk systematically addresses these questions and introduces the required technology before outlining the data integration process [5]. The simulation technology has been developed on the K computer in Kobe and JUQUEEN in Juelich and is incorporated in the NEST simulation code. Simulation results reveal a stable asynchronous irregular ground state with heterogeneous activity across areas, layers, and populations. Intrinsic time scales of spiking activity are increased in hierarchically higher areas, and functional connectivity shows a strong correspondence with that measured using fMRI. The model bridges the gap between local and large-scale accounts of cortex, and clarifies how the detailed connectivity of cortex shapes its dynamics on multiple scales.
[1] Potjans TC and Diesmann M (2014) The Cell-Type Specific Cortical Microcircuit: Relating Structure and Activity in a Full-Scale Spiking Network Model. Cerebral Cortex 24(3):785--806
[2] Kunkel S, Schmidt M, Eppler JM, Plesser HE, Masumoto G, Igarashi J, Ishii S, Fukai T, Morrison A, Diesmann M, Helias M (2014) Spiking network simulation code for petascale computers. Front. Neuroinform 8:78
[3] Van Albada S, Helias M, Diesmann M (2015) Scalability of Asynchronous Networks Is Limited by One-to-One Mapping between Effective Connectivity and Correlations PLoS Comput Biol 11(9): e1004490
[4] Schuecker J, Schmidt M, van Albada SJ, Diesmann M, Helias M (2017) Fundamental Activity Constrains Lead to Specific Interpretations of the Connectome PLoS Comput Biol 13(2): e1005179
[5] Schmidt, M., Bakker, R., Shen, K., Bezgin, G., Hilgetag, C.-C., Diesmann, M., van Albada, S.J. (2016) Full-density multi-scale account of structure and dynamics of macaque visual cortex. arXiv:1511.09364.
18:00 - 19:00
Dinner and discussions
19:00 - 21:00
Poster session I (focus on odd poster numbers)