Olga Smirnova
(Max Born Institute, Berlin)
Jan M Rost
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)
with a focus on
One can think of chirality or topology as properties introducing an additional degree of freedom of geometrical origin, such as handedness or topological invariant. Does this extra degree of freedom lead to new properties of optical response in ultrafast and non-linear domain? The focus of this year's Atomic Physics workshop is on the role of chirality and topology in non-linear and ultrafast light-matter interaction. The topics will include shaping chiral and topological properties of light and using this tailored light to shape and probe chiral and topological properties of matter.
The workshop will take place this year from Tuesday noon to Friday noon.
NEW: Tuesday 10:00-12:00 - Additional Tutorail by Misha Ivanov (MBI Berlin) on "The matter of Dr Krammer and Dr Henneberger: from atoms to laser filaments to simple and strongly correlated solids"
As in the past years a fraction of the slots are devoted to presentations about topics of general interest in atomic physics.
David Ayuso (Berlin)
Guy Bartal (Haifa)
Dieter Bauer (Rostock)
Thomas Baumert (Kassel)
Samuel Beaulieu (Berlin)
Diego Boll (Madrid)
Jonathan Dubois (Marseille)
Matthew Eiles (Dresden)
Felix Engel (Stuttgart)
Volker Engel (Würzburg)
Kilian Fehre (Frankfurt)
Eleftherios Goulielmakis (Rostock)
Carlos Hernández-García (Salamanca)
Alvaro Jiménez-Galán (Berlin)
Jochen Küpper (Hamburg)
Monika Leibscher (Kassel)
Manfred Lein (Hannover)
Igor Lesanovsky (Tübingen)
Lars Bojer Madsen (Aarhus)
Ofer Neufeld (Haifa)
Emilio Pisanty (Barcelona)
MiguelÁngel Porras (Madrid)
Françoise Remacle (Liège)
Alejandro Saenz (Berlin)
Peter Schmelcher (Hamburg)
Christoph Schmid (Regensburg)
Rui Silva (Madrid)
Llinersy Uranga Piña (Havana)