Quantum Criticality and Topology in Correlated Electron Systems

International Seminar & Workshop
5 - 16 August 2019

(workshop week: 5 - 9 August 2019)

Strongly correlated electron systems are the main focal point of condensed matter physics. A rich variety of phases, from unconventional superconductors to correlated topological matter, is attractive both from the fundamental and technological points of view. Key questions include intertwined orders, electronic matter without quasiparticles, and interplay en interactions and topology.

Topics include

  • Electron transport without quasiparticles
  • Intertwined orders in the cuprate and iron-based superconductors
  • Correlated phases in twisted bilayer graphene
  • Correlated topological matter
  • Frustrated magnetic phases
  • Anti-adiabatic superconductivity
  • Dynamics of quantum phase transitions

Invited speakers

James Analytis (US)
Eva Andrei (US)
Leni Bascones (ES)
Kamran Behnia (FR)
Erez Berg (IL)
Andrei Bernevig (DE)
Sergey Borisenko (DE)
Hitesh Changlani (US)
Claudia Felser (DE)
Rafael Fernandes (US)
Eli Fox (US)
Liang Fu (US)
Sean Hartnoll (US)
Jian Kang (US)
Amit Kanigel (IL)
Aharon Kapitulnik (US)
Avraham Klein (US)
Andrew Mackenzie (DE)
Yuji Matsuda (JP)
Roderich Moessner (DE)
Natalia Perkins (US)
Nicola Poccia (DE)
Jonathan Ruhman (IL)
Alain Sacuto (FR)
Subir Sachdev (US)
Mathias Scheurer (US)
Jörg Schmalian (DE)
Takasada Shibauchi (JP)
Dam Thanh Son (US)
Hidenori Takagi (DE)
Senthil Todadri (US)
Ronny Thomale (DE)
Yuxuan Wang (US)


Scientific Coordinators

Andrey V. Chubukov
(University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)

Dmitrii L. Maslov
(University of Florida, USA)

Oskar Vafek
(Florida State University and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA)


Maria Voigt
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


The deadline for applications was 30 April 2019. The call for applications is closed.

Scientific Program

The scientific program of the workshop and seminar week is online.

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