Proposals for Seminars & Workshops

A central task of mpipks and the Visitors Program is to conduct international workshops and seminars, connoting an outstanding role within the Max Planck Society. Priority is given to frontier subjects which develop rapidly and to new interdisciplinary topics. The institute runs focus workshops (2 - 3 days), workshops (1 week) and seminars (2 weeks - 3 months). The activities cover all research areas related to physics of complex systems.

Successful applicants and the participants of the seminar/workshop benefit from experienced local organizers, office space, computing facilities, a well-stocked library, accommodation and catering on-site. The seminar/workshop is naturally integrated in the scientific and social life of the institute, which fosters discussions and collaborations with the local scientists and research groups.

For information on how to prepare a seminar/workshop proposal, please see our guidelines. Proposals are reviewed by an external ad-hoc committee.

The next deadline for the submission of proposals is June 30, 2025.

Submissions outside the main deadlines which make a strong case for an expedited review may also be considered. Please contact the visitors program prior to submission in such a case!

Submit a seminar or workshop proposal


Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

Pablo Pérez Martín
Visitors Program
Nöthnitzer Straße 38
01187 Dresden, Germany

phone: +49 (351) 871-1935
mail: visitors[at]pks.mpg(dot)de