Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Visitors Program
Nöthnitzer Straße 38
01187 Dresden
phone: +49 (351) 871-1935
In close collaboration with the other service departments of mpipks, the Visitors Program is dedicated to support the scientists in every possible way to allow them to focus on the essence: their research.
Every year, our team organizes between 15 and 20 seminars and workshops with a total number of approximately 1500 international participants.
Moreover, we supply the logistics and paperwork for 400 visiting scientists, for example regarding visa and residence permit application, accommodation, schools and daycare, language courses, bureaucracy and much more.
Guest scientist positions are available for nearly all academic career levels, ranging from PhD students, over young postdoctoral researchers, to senior scientists spending their sabbaticals at mpipks.
As long as acts of war in Ukraine are ongoing, scientists from Russian research institutions cannot participate in the visitors program.