Advanced Study Groups

Advanced Study Groups

MPIPKS hosts each year up to two Advanced Study Groups, in order to further advance the interaction and exchange between outstanding scientists and young researchers. Each group consists of several scientists headed by the Principal Investigator (PI). Their work focusses on a modern and important topic in the broad field of the Physics of Complex Systems. With the full support of the Visitors Program, the group will attract further shorter term visitors for seminars, lectures, discussions and other meetings.

MPIPKS welcomes applications for future Advanced Study Groups. Potential PIs should contact one of the directors of the institute in advance.

Advanced Study Group 2024-2025
Convenor: Prof. Abbas Ali Saberi
Core members: Prof. Mehran Kardar, Prof. Jürgen Kurths, Prof. Martin Zirnbauer
Advanced Study Group 2019-2022
Convenor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Hänggi
Core members: Prof. Sergey Denisov, Prof. Dario Poletti
Advanced Study Group 2018/2019
Convenor: Prof. Marcus W. Beims
Members: Prof. Imre M. Jánosi, Prof. Jason A. C. Gallas
Convenor: Prof. Alessandro Torcini
Members: Prof. German Mato, Prof. Antonio Politi, Dr. Hugh Robinson, Prof. Marc Timme
Convenor: Prof. Eric Heller
Members: Prof. Alfredo Miguel Ozorio de Almeida, Dr. L. William Poirier, Prof. David Tannor, Prof. Steven L. Tomsovic
Convenor: Dr. Rainer Klages
Members: Prof. Frederic Bartumeus, Prof. Denis Boyer, Prof. Aleksei V. Chechkin, Dr. Luca Giuggioli, Dr. Jon Pitchford
Convenor: Prof. Jason Gallas
Members: Prof. Vassilios Kovanis, Prof. Cristina Masoller, Prof. Marcus W. Beims
Convenor: Prof. Kevin E. Bassler
Members: Dr. Charo del Genio, Prof. Erwin Frey, Prof. Zoltán Toroczkai, Prof. Royce K.P. Zia
Convenor: Prof. Igor Herbut
Members: Prof. Faker Assaad, Dr. Balasz Dora, Dr. Lars Fritz, Dr. Ken-Ichiro Imura, Dr. Christopher Mudry
Advanced Study Group 2011-2013
Convenor: Prof. Hugues Chaté
Members: Prof. Igor Aronson, Dr. Eric Bertin, Dr. Cristián Huepe, Prof. Sriram Ramaswamy, Prof. John Toner
Convenor: Prof. Steven Tomsovic
Members: Prof. Akira Shudo, Prof. Peter Schlagheck, Prof. Srihari Keshavamurthy, Dr. Arnd Bäcker, Prof. Roland Ketzmerick
Convenor: Prof. Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt
Members: Prof. J. Gonzalo Muga, Prof. Larry Schulman, Prof. Bernard Gaveau, Prof. Giulio Casati, Prof. Rafael Sala-Mayato
Convenor: Dr. Mike Zhitomirsky
Members: Prof. Andrey Chubukov, Prof. Peter Holdsworth, Prof. Frédéric Mila
Advanced Study Group 2008/2009
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. John S. Briggs
Members: Prof. Manfred Kleber, Prof. Peter Reineker
Principal Investigator: Prof. Larry S. Schulman
Members: Prof. Arno Bohm, Prof. Bernard Gaveau, Prof. Jonathan Halliwell, Dr. Gonzalo Muga
Principal Investigator: Prof. Serge Aubry
Members: Prof. Victor Fleurov, Prof. Rolf Schilling, Prof. Larry S. Schulman