Markus Grüninger
Universität zu Köln, Germany
George A. Sawatzky
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Jeroen van den Brink
IFW Dresden, Germany
The aim of this workshop is to foster collaborations between scientists in the wide field of transition-metal compounds, to highlight recent developments, and to bring together experimental and theoretical physicists. The focus lies on the interplay and mutual frustration of electron-electron interactions (involving spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom) and spin-orbit coupling effects.
keynote speakers
Robert J. Cava (US)
Antoine Georges (FR & US)
Maxim Mostovoy (NL)
Yoshinori Tokura (JP)
J. Paul Attfield (UK)
Leon Balents (US)
Cristian D. Batista (US)
Markus Braden (DE)
Bernd Büchner (DE)
Gang Cao (US)
Jak Chakhalian (US)
Sang-Wook Cheong (US)
Radu Coldea (UK)
Andrea Damascelli (CA)
Claudia Felser (DE)
Manfred Fiebig (CH)
Philipp Gegenwart (DE)
Joachim Hemberger (DE)
George Jackeli (DE)
Oleg Janson (DE)
Bernhard Keimer (DE)
Giniyat Khaliullin (DE)
Daniel Khomskii (DE)
Thomas Lorenz (DE)
Andrew Mackenzie (DE)
Antoine Maignan (FR)
Igor Mazin (US)
Andrew Millis (US)
John Mitchell (US)
Takashi Mizokawa (JP)
Roderich Moessner (DE)
Naoto Nagaosa (JP)
Andrzej M. Oles (PL)
Je-Geun Park (KR)
Warren Pickett (US)
Paolo Radaelli (UK)
Alessandro Revelli (DE)
Judit Romhanyi (JP)
Henrik M. Rønnow (CH)
Achim Rosch (DE)
Tanusri Saha Dasgupta (IN)
D.D. Sarma (IN)
Nicola Spaldin (CH)
Sergey Strel'tsov (RU)
Hao Tjeng (DE)
Simon Trebst (DE)
Roser Valenti (DE)
Dirk van der Marel (CH)
Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht (DE)
Matthias Vojta (DE)