Korrelationstage 2019

International Workshop
16 - 20 September 2019

Many fascinating phenomena in quantum matter, ranging from exotic phases to unusual behavior out of thermal equilibrium, are rooted in the strong interactions between its elementary constituents. They are interesting from a fundamental point of view and at the same time extremely challenging to study. This workshop brings together leading experts and next generation researchers, providing an active discussion platform to discuss current trends and new ideas. It combines the expertise of the fields of condensed matter physics and ultracold atoms, covering both theory and experiment.

Topics include

  • Quantum magnetism
  • Non-equilibrium phenomena
  • Ultracold atomic gases
  • Tailored materials
  • Topological phenomena and correlations
  • Numerical methods for correlated materials

Invited keynote speakers

Claudia Felser (DE)
Michael Köhl (DE)
Luca Perfetti (FR)
Christian Rüegg (CH)
Jean-Marc Triscone (CH)

Scientific Coordinators

Thierry Giamarchi
(Université de Genève, Switzerland)

Corinna Kollath
(Universität Bonn, Germany)

David Luitz
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany)


Katrin Lantsch
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


The deadline for applications was 31 May 2019. The call for applications is closed.

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Scientific Program Structure

Sunday, 15th September: Registration and welcome reception
Monday, 16th September, 09:00 to Friday, 20th September, 17:00: Workshop program

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How to reach us


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