Carlos Hernández-Garcia
(Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
Mikhail Ivanov
(Max-Born-Institut & Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
Moved from 2020 to 2023 due to Covid-19:
Attosecond and strong field physics are evolving in new directions, unified by the concept of lightwave electronics: from the generation of structured pulses with tailored angular momentum properties, the control of the enantiosensitive electronic response in chiral molecules, the study of non-linear properties of solid-state materials, to the generation and application of electron matter-wave vortices.
David Ayuso (DE)
Jamal Berakdar (DE)
Utso Bhattacharya (ES)
Xue-Bin Bian (CN)
Jens Biegert (ES)
Joachim Burgdoerfer (AT)
Martin Centurion (US)
Ming-Chang Chen (TW)
Oren Cohen (IL)
Kevin M. Dorney (US)
Matan Even Tzur (IL)
Ilya Fabrikant (US)
Thomas Fennel (DE)
Rui Emanuel Ferreira da Silva (ES)
Josef Freudenstein (DE)
Kenichi Ishikawa (JP)
Álvaro Jiménez Galán (DE)
Margarita Khokhlova (DE)
Manfred Lein (DE)
Chii-Dong Lin (US)
Francois Mauger (US)
Nicola Mayer (DE)
Dejan B. Milosevic (BA)
Toru Morishita (JP)
Jean Marcel Ngoko-Djiokap (US)
Andrés Ordoñez (ES)
Serguei Patchkovskii (DE)
Gerhard G. Paulus (DE)
Liang-You Peng (CN)
Antonio Picón (ES)
Emilio Pisanty (ES)
Luis Plaja (ES)
Tenio Popmintchev (US)
Miguel Ángel Porras (ES)
Angel Rubio (DE)
Thierry Ruchon (FR)
Olga Smirnova (DE)
Carlo Trallero (US)
Stefan Witte (NL)
Matthias Wollenhaupt (DE)