Discrete, Nonlinear and Disordered Optics

International Workshop
08 - 12 May 2017

The recent merging of nonlinear photonics and disordered system physics promises a considerable impact on various disciplines in science, from physics to biology and chemistry. This workshop aims at discussing the latest experimental and theoretical results in the fast developing field of discrete nonlinear and disordered optical systems.

Topics include

  • Photonic simulators of quantum physics
  • Disordered quantum physics
  • Synthetic photonic lattices
  • Nonlinear photonics
  • Disordered photonics
  • Meta-surfaces
  • Random lasers
  • Discrete optical systems
  • Topological Photonics
  • Fabrication Technology

Plenary speakers

Immanuel Bloch (DE)
Federico Capasso (US)
Nader Engheta (US)

Invited speakers

Aleksandr Aleksandrovsky (RU)
Hui Cao (US)
Claudio Conti (IT)
Cornelia Denz (DE)
Shanhui Fan (US)
Sergei Flach (KR)
Andrea Fratalocci (SA)
Goery Genty (FI)
Yaroslav Kartashov (ES)
Netanel Lindner (IL)
Konstantinos Makris (GR)
Mario Molina (CL)
Mikael Rechtsman (US)
Peter Schmelcher (DE)
Yaron Silberberg (IL)
Sergey Skipetrov (FR)
Dmitry Skryabin (UK)
Kestutis Staliunas (ES)
Andrey Sukhorukov (AU)
Robert Thomson (UK)
Luis Torner (ES)
Diederik Wiersma (IT)
Frank Wise (US)



Scientific Coordinators

Dmitry Churkin
(Novosibirsk State University, Russia)

Mordechai Segev
(Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

Alexander Szameit
(University of Rostock, Germany)

Sergei Turitsyn
(Aston University, UK)


Mandy Lochar
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


The call for applications is closed.

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Scientific Program

The scientific program of the workshop can be found here.

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How to reach us


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