09:30 - 10:30
Keynote - James Sharpe
(EMBL Barcelona)
Towards a multi-scale model of vertebrate limb development
The predominant emphasis of genomics, bioinformatics and computational biology is at the molecular scale, however many of the things we wish to understand occur at the macroscopic scale of organs and organisms: the development of a phenotype, the spread of a cancer, the regeneration of an organ. At the molecular scale, regulation of genes and proteins creates complex networks which control cell activities (division, migration, cell fate decisions, differentiation, and many others), with both an intracellular part (circuits of transcription factors) and an extracellular part (secreted ligands which move between cells allowing cell-cell communication, such as FGFs, WNTs, etc). The coordination of thousands of cells by this extended molecular network, leads to large-scale morphogenesis at the scale of tissues and organs. However, these large-scale tissue movements also feedback to the molecular scale: the movement of tissue regions relative to each other causes cells to receive dynamically changing concentrations of signaling molecules, and this in turn changes the activation or repression of genes and proteins. A full understanding of this large-scale feedback between genes, cells and tissues will require multi-scale computer modeling, and we have chosen vertebrate limb development as a model system to explore this problem. Crucially, the data on gene expression and tissue movements should be both dynamic and spatial. Traditional high-throughput “omics” technologies do not preserve spatial information, and we therefore develop novel 3D imaging technologies (OPT and SPIM) to generate geometric and spatial data for the models. I will present results of this interdisciplinary modeling approach, which is gradually allowing us to tackle this complex problem.
10:30 - 10:40
group photo (to be published on the workshop's web page)
10:40 - 10:50
coffee break
10:50 - 11:20
Christian Müller
Stability-based identification of PDEs from limited and noisy data
Recent advances in automated identification of partial differential equations (PDEs) from time-series data hold the promise to routinely discover novel governing equations of an underlying (bio-)physical system from (high-throughput) experimental observations. A common framework for learning such equations comprises three steps: (i) numerical approximation of spatial and temporal derivatives of the measured quantities across the observed domain, (ii) formulation and solution of sparsity-promoting penalized regression problem for data fitting, and (iii) data-driven model selection from the set of regularized solutions. In this framework, non-zero coefficients in the regression problem indicate partial derivatives that may be present in the underlying PDE formulation. We here introduce and analyze stability-based model selection approaches for PDE inference. Stability selection relies on data subsampling in combination with high dimensional variable selection algorithms, such as the Lasso and its variants. Variables are considered important if they are frequently selected in the penalized regression problem across multiple subsampled data sets. We show that stability selection can identify the true underlying PDE even in the presence of limited and noisy simulated data in a fully data-driven fashion. We also characterize the achievability performance of stability-based schemes, i.e., the number of samples necessary to achieve exact PDE selection. We also show the behavior of our stability-based model selection framework on fluorescence microscopy data in the context of developmental biology where the true underlying PDE model is not known.
This is joint work with Suryanarayana Maddu and Ivo F. Sbalzarini.
11:20 - 11:50
Martin Lenz
(CNRS - Orsay)
Why does actomyosin contract?
The motion of living cells is in large part due to the interaction of
semi-flexible actin filaments (F-actin) and myosin molecular motors,
which induce the relative sliding of F-actin. It is often assumed that
this simple sliding is sufficient to account for all actomyosin-based
motion. While this is correct in our highly organized striated muscle,
we question the application of this dogma to less ordered actomyosin
systems, thus reexamining a cornerstone of our understanding of cellular
11:50 - 12:20
Jan Huisken
(Morgridge Institute for Research)
Imaging morphogenesis with optimal spatial and temporal resolution
12:20 - 13:20
13:20 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
Kyle Harrington
(University of Idaho)
The Artificial Life of Image-based Modeling for Morphogenesis
14:30 - 15:00
Giovanni Dalmasso
(EMBL Barcelona)
Evolution in space and time of 3D volumetric images
Recent progress in imaging and computer modelling have increased our understanding of morphogenetic processes at different scales - from organs up to entire organisms. However, in the case of complex animal models (e.g. mouse embryogenesis), it is not yet entirely possible to observe in real time the full growth of a developing embryo, because it beyond E10.5 mouse embryos cannot be correctly cultured in vitro. Consequently, the current 3D data availability in these cases, even if extensive and detailed, provides only a characterisation of development at discrete moments in time, through single snapshots. To fill this gap, we are creating a computer-based approach to describe the evolution in time and space of developmental stages from 3D volumetric images. Specifically, we (1) represent the scalar intensity of each voxel of the images using the Fourier transform, (2) expand the Fourier coefficients using spherical harmonics and then (3) interpolate the spherical harmonics coefficients in time (over the developmental stages). As a result, (4) the reconstruction describes a continuous and smooth changing shape over space and time. We tested this approach using ~100 3D images of mouse limb buds generated by optical projection tomography (OPT), which had previously been staged using the embryonic Mouse Ontogenetic Staging System (eMOSS). The result represents the 4D growth of an ideal limb which take into account the common characteristics and features of all the limbs in the data set. In particular, we recreate the growing process starting from E10 (i.e. 10 days after conception) when the limb bud is just a small bump of tissue and finishing at E12.5 when the limb bud already shows a distinctive “paddle” shape. This approach, able to combine the complexity of different arbitrary shapes over space and time, increases our understanding of morphogenetic processes from a purely geometrical point of view and provides a quantitative basis for validating predictive models (e.g. computational modelling of limb development). This method could be in principle applied to more complex shapes like a whole embryo.
15:00 - 15:20
coffee break
15:20 - 15:50
Ulrik Günther
(Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden)
Taking Visualisation and Modelling to Virtual Reality with scenery & sciview
15:50 - 16:20
Keisuke Ishihara
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)
Topological transitions of epithelial surfaces
Keisuke Ishihara1,2,3, Elena Gromberg4, Marta N. Shahbazi5, Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz5, Jan F. Brugués1,2,3, Frank Jülicher2,3, Elly M. Tanaka4
1 Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany
2 Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
3 Center for Systems Biology Dresden, Dresden, Germany
4 Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria
5 University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
The epithelium is a fundamental tissue architecture that lines the outer surfaces of many organs and inner cavities within them. While past studies have demonstrated how local differences in cell mechanical properties induce epithelial folding, the topology of epithelial surfaces has not been addressed. What are the cell biological and physical conditions that determine whether an epithelium remains connected, or divides into multiple, topologically distinct epithelia? To address this issue, we study neuroepithelium formation by differentiating free-floating 3D aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cells. Within 4 days, a continuous apical membrane domain forms in the interior of the tissue as a result of collective cell polarization and epithelialization. Treatment with retinoic acid induces the apical membrane to split up into multiple spherical structures, or fluid-filled cysts. We hypothesize that apical surface area and its topology are controlled by retinoic acid-mediated down regulation of PODXL, an apical membrane protein with a negatively charged extracellular domain. Indeed, PODXL heterozygote cells show fragmented apical surfaces in the absence of retinoic acid, and PODXL overexpression show continuous epithelium overcoming the effect of retinoic acid. Neutralizing the negative charge in the system mimics the effect of PODXL reduction, underscoring the importance of electrostatic charge in apical membrane mechanics. We develop a biophysical framework based on vertex model of tissue mechanics that predicts cell shape and epithelial topology from the abundance of apically localized, charged membrane proteins. Thus, we elucidate the cell biological basis for retinoic acid-mediated morphogenesis, and propose that epithelial self-organization can be conceptually understood in analogy to the topological transitions of surfactant self-assembly.
16:20 - 16:50
Karen Soans
(Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden)
Investigating the role of the extracellular matrix in zebrafish optic cup morphogenesis
During development, epithelia undergo drastic shape changes that drive the formation of organs with distinct structures and functions. Many epithelia attach to an extracellular matrix (ECM) called the basement membrane. The basement membrane has distinct physical and chemical properties that depend on its composition, arrangement and dynamics. While most studies so far focused on the contribution of different cell behaviors to tissue shape changes, the role of the ECM in tissue morphogenesis is not as well understood. Can the physical properties of the ECM affect epithelial shape changes? What kinds of forces are exerted by the ECM onto cells in a tissue during morphogenesis? How do the cells in turn rearrange and change the mechanical and chemical properties of the ECM to accommodate tissue shape changes? My project aims to answer these questions using novel tools developed in our lab that help visualize the ECM in vivo in real time, during zebrafish optic cup morphogenesis.
The optic cup gives rise to the neural retina and its characteristic hemispherical shape is crucial for organ function. This shape is obtained early in development during a morphogenetic event that transforms a flat bilayer optic vesicle into a hemispherical cup. This tissue wide shape change is brought about by various coordinated cell behaviors like basal constriction and collective cell migration. Previous studies have shown the requirements for functional ECM and cell-ECM interactions in facilitating these different cell behaviors to drive overall tissue shape change. However, the mechanism by which the ECM influences optic cup development remains poorly understood. By visualizing the ECM directly, we can now document how its composition, structure and mechanical properties change as the tissue changes its shape. This characterization will then allow us to test how dynamic ECM properties might influence the different cell behaviors to ultimately facilitate optic cup morphogenesis.
16:50 - 18:00
workshop dinner at the restaurant Kahnaletto (Auf dem Theaterkahn, Terrassenufer / Augustusbrücke, phone: +49-351-495 30 37)