Atomic Physics 2018

International Workshop on Atomic Physics
27 – 30 November 2018

with a focus on

"Trajectories in AMOP Physics" 

Trajectories are a common concept for approximating the quantum description of microscopic phenomena. Yet motivation, justification and implementation vary considerably depending on the problem. The focus of this year’s Atomic Physics workshop will provide a synopsis and at the same time a possibility for cross fertilization of trajectory approaches in atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics. This includes quantum trajectories and Bohmian mechanics in addition to all classical, semiclassical and hybrid quantum-classical  formulations.

The workshop will take place this year from Tuesday noon to Friday noon.

As in the past years a fraction of the slots are devoted to presentations about topics of general interest in atomic physics. 

invited speakers

Dieter Bauer (Rostock)
Jamal Berakdar (Halle)
Jens Biegert (Barcelona)
Antonio Di Piazza (Heidelberg)
Ulli Eichmann (Berlin)
Alexander Eisfeld (Dresden)
Agapi Emmanouilidou (London)
Carla Figueira De Morisson Faria (London)
Stephan Fritzsche (Jena)
Faris Gelmukhanov (Stockholm)
Hardy Gross (Halle)
Frank Grossmann (Dresden)
Karen Hatsagortsyan (Heidelberg)
Misha Ivanov (Berlin)
Manfred Lein (Hannover)
Dejan B. Milosevic (Sarajevo)
Hongcheng Ni (Wien)
Alexander Pukhov (Düsseldorf)
Georg Raithel (Ann Arbor)
Alejandro Saenz (Berlin)
Axel Schild (Zürich)
Stefan Schippers (Giessen)
Bernd Schütte (Berlin)
Martin Schultze (Garching)
Armin Scrinzi (München)
David Tannor (Rehovot)
Josef Tiggesbäumker (Rostock)
Jiri Vanicek (Zürich)
Hans Jakob Wörner (Zürich)


Scientific Coordinators

Sergey Popruzhenko
(National Research Nuclear University, MEPhl, Moscow)

Jan M Rost
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)

Ulf Saalmann
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)


Gabriele Makolies
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden)


The deadline for registration was October 26, 2018.

The registration fee for the international workshop is 120 Euro and should be paid by all participants. Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

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Scientific Program

registration Tuesday, Nov 27 morning,
talks Tuesday noon - Friday noon,
poster session Wednesday evening,
workshop dinner Thursday evening

How to reach us

Useful information for your way to the venue.

Contact Institute