Flow within the cell
Chair: Raymond E. Goldstein
09:00 - 10:00
Moritz Kreysing
(Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics)
Light controlled cytoplasmic transport to probe cellular organization
Throughout the last decades, genetic perturbations massively advanced our molecular understanding of biological processes. At the same time however, the spatio-temporal organization of cells and developing embryos is widely believed to also depend on physical transport processes such as diffusion or flows, which are hard to manipulate.
Here we demonstrate focused-light induced cytoplasmic-streaming (FLUCS). FLUCS uses light controlled thermoviscous expansion phenomena to induce well-defined flows in single cells and developing embryos. These non-invasive flows are localized, directed, highly dynamical, probe-free, and non-invasive. By controlling flows inside the cytoplasm of one-cell C. elegans embryos, we directly demonstrate the causal role of flows for the establishment of the head-to-tail body axis (aka PAR-polarization). Moreover, we show how FLUCS perturbations are suitable for an active micro-rheology of the cytoplasm and even within cell nuclei.
i) Mittasch et al, Nature Cell Biology 20 (2018)
ii) Kreysing, Developmental Cell (in press)
10:00 - 10:10
Group photo
10:10 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30
Alexandra Zidovska
(New York University - Center for Soft Matter Research)
The "self-stirred genome": dynamics, flows and rheology
Chromatin structure and dynamics control all aspects of DNA biology yet are poorly understood. In interphase, time between two cell divisions, chromatin fills the cell nucleus in its minimally condensed polymeric state. Chromatin serves as substrate to a number of biological processes, e.g. gene expression and DNA replication, which require it to become locally restructured. These are energy-consuming processes giving rise to non-equilibrium dynamics. Chromatin dynamics has been traditionally studied by imaging of fluorescently labeled nuclear proteins and single DNA-sites, thus focusing only on a small number of tracer particles. Recently, we developed an approach, displacement correlation spectroscopy (DCS) based on time-resolved image correlation analysis, to map chromatin dynamics simultaneously across the whole nucleus in cultured human cells [1]. DCS revealed that chromatin movement was coherent across large regions (4–5μm) for several seconds. Regions of coherent motion extended beyond the boundaries of single-chromosome territories, suggesting elastic coupling of motion over length scales much larger than those of genes [1]. These large-scale, coupled motions were ATP-dependent and unidirectional for several seconds. Following these observations, we developed a hydrodynamic theory [2] as well as a microscopic model [3] of active chromatin dynamics. In this work we investigate the chromatin interactions with the nuclear envelope and compare the surface dynamics of the chromatin globule with its bulk dynamics [4], which we also explore using naturally present cellular probes [5].
[1] Zidovska A, Weitz DA, Mitchison TJ, PNAS, 110 (39), 15555-15560, 2013
[2] Bruinsma R, Grosberg AY, Rabin Y, Zidovska A, Biophys. J., 106 (9), 1871-1881, 2014
[3] Saintillan D, Shelley MJ, Zidovska A, PNAS, 115 (45) 11442-11447, 2018
[4] Chu F, Haley SC, Zidovska A, PNAS, 114 (39), 10338-10343, 2017
[5] Caragine CM, Haley SC, Zidovska A, PRL, 121, 148101, 2018
11:30 - 12:30
Michael Shelley
(Simons Foundation - Flatiron Institute)
Self-Organization and Mechanics in the Cell
The inside of a cell is an active place, with molecular machines busy positioning subcellular organelles, organizing themselves within membranes, and remodeling DNA in the nucleus. I'll survey how mathematical modeling and large-scale simulations has interacted fruitfully with experimental measurements and perturbations in studying these motor-driven processes. I will then focus on recent work exploring how motor activity and hydrodynamic interactions may underlie an apparently self-organizing dynamics of chromatin in the interphase nucleus.
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break
Chair: Gerhard Gompper
16:30 - 17:00
Thomas Fai
(Brandeis University Waltham)
Fluid dynamics of vesicular transport in dendritic spine
We model the fluid dynamics of vesicle transport into dendritic spines, micron-sized structures located at the postsynapses of neurons. Dendritic spines are characterized by their thin necks and bulbous heads, and recent high-resolution 3D images show a fascinating variety of spine morphologies. Our model reduces the fluid dynamics of vesicle motion to two essential parameters representing the system geometry and elasticity and allows us to thoroughly explore phase space. Upon including competing molecular motor species that push and pull on vesicles, we observe multiple stable solutions reminiscent of the observed behavior. We discuss whether it would be feasible for neurons could exploit such a switch to control the strength of synapses.
17:00 - 17:30
Isabella Guido
(Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization)
Spontaneously oscillating synthetic cilia
Cilia and flagella produce rapid and regular bending waves responsible for the propulsion of organisms in fluids or for the promotion of fluid transport. It is known that the main contribution to their beating is due to motor proteins that drive sliding of the microtubule doublets. However, the fundamental mechanism of the motors-microtubule interaction is still a puzzle. Here we investigate their mechanical interaction and emergent behavior by analyzing minimal synthetic systems that we experimentally assemble by using microtubules and few molecular motors. We investigated two different set-up and we observe that the microtubules undergo persistent oscillations and cyclical association/dissociation interactions through rhythmic bending. By considering the shearing force produced by the motors when they move along the adjacent microtubule and the finite elasticity of the system, we describe this beating cycle in terms of the curvature and motors-microtubule binding force.
17:30 - 18:00
Benjamin M. Friedrich
(Technical University Dresden - Center for Advancing Electronics)
Stability and noise of metachronal waves in cilia carpets
Motile cilia on ciliated epithelia in airways, brain and oviduct display coordinated beating in the form of metachronal waves, presumably due to mutual hydrodynamic coupling, which is important for efficient fluid transport.
How the shape of the cilia beat determines the direction and wavelength of metachronal waves is not fully understood, nor is robustness with respect to noise in the presence of multiple synchronized states.
We perform hydrodynamic simulations of cilia carpets, using experimental beat patterns, using a computationally efficient framework of Lagrangian Mechanics of Active Systems (LAMAS).
Thereby, we determine all metastable synchronized states and their fundamental perturbation modes, which characterize the dispersion relation of metachronal waves.
Departure for downtown Dresden by tram
(meeting point: reception of the MPIPKS, main building)
19:00 - 20:30
Workshop dinner at the restaurant 'Gasthaus am Neumarkt',
An der Frauenkirche 13, Dresden (Tel.: +49 351 323 67 210)