Fluid Physics of Life

International Workshop
21 - 25 October 2019

Fluid flow is a key player for the function and behaviour of biological systems. Without fluid flow, life as we know it would not exist. Understanding the flow dynamics is challenging since flows are inherently coupled over spatial and temporal scales and may transport along active particulates that impact surrounding morphology. This workshop brings together physicists, applied mathematicians, biologists, and physiologists to work on the fundamental principles of how flows govern life.

Topics include

  • Flows within the cell
  • Flow tissue interaction
  • Transport and pumps
  • Selective transport and signaling
  • Flow biofilm interaction

Invited speakers

Knut Drescher (DE)
Jörn Dunkel (US)
Regina Faubel (US)
Ramin Golestanian (DE)
Ray Goldstein (UK)
Kaare Jensen (DK)
Frank Jülicher (DE)
Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi (NO)
Douglas H. Kelley (US)
Moritz Kreysing (DE)
Marcus Roper (US)
Masaki Sano (JP)
Mike Shelley (US)
Boris Shraiman (US)
Arndt Siekmann (US)
Kathleen Stebe (US)
Michael Wilczek (DE)
Alexandra Zidovska (US)

Scientific Coordinators

Karen Alim
(Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen & Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Eberhard Bodenschatz
(Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany)

Gerhard Gompper
(Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)


Maria Voigt
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


The deadline for applications was 15th July 2019. The call for applications is closed.

Scientific Program

The detailed scientific program of the workshop is online.

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How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

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