Superconductivity and Magnetic Correlations

Welcome to our group!


Our group is interested in the way quantum particles, like electrons or atoms, organize themselves while interacting with one another. This way, we aim at understanding how the macroscopic behavior of materials, like various forms of magnetism or superconductivity, emerges. Besides trying to explain existing experimental phenomena in solid-state physics, I investigate under which circumstances entirely new states of matter, like quantum spin liquids, can occur.

To solve these questions, we are developing numerical technology to simulate quantum many-body systems. The quantum many-body problem is considered to be exponentially hard in the number of particles. One approach we are pursuing is to push the limits of exact simulations by developing high-performance computing software and distributed parallel algorithms for quantum many-body systems. Furthermore, we are also embracing tensor network methods to reduce computational complexity by representing data efficiently. If you would like to find out more about our research, please have a look at our research page or contact the PI at awietek[at]pks.mpg(dot)de

The work of our group is supported by the Emmy-Noether programme of the DFG, within the DFG project SuMaC: Superconductivity and Magnetic Correlations, (DFG project Nr. 509755282)