Self-Organization of Multicellular Systems

Self-Organization of Multicellular Systems

Welcome to our group webpage! We are a joint research group between the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), based at the Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD), established in 2021.

We are theorists, but we closely collaborate with experimentalists, at MPI-CBG and beyond, on problems in theoretical biophysics, applied mathematics, and soft matter physics. Read more about our research.

Looking for a PhD or postdoc position? Read more about how to join us.


Latest Research

Euler buckling on curved surfaces

Shiheng Zhao and Pierre A. Haas#, arXiv (2025)

Euler buckling epitomises mechanical instabilities: An inextensible straight elastic line buckles under compression when the compressive force reaches a critical value F*> 0. Here, we extend this classical, planar instability to the buckling under compression of an inextensible relaxed elastic line on a curved surface. By weakly nonlinear analysis of an asymptotically short elastic line, we reveal that the buckling bifurcation changes fundamentally: The critical force for the lowest buckling mode is F* = 0 and higher buckling modes disconnect from the undeformed branch to connect in pairs. Solving the buckling problem numerically, we additionally find a new post-buckling instability: A long elastic line on a curved surface snaps through under sufficient compression. Our results thus set the foundations for understanding the buckling instabilities on curved surfaces that pervade the emergence of shape in biology.

A model for boundary-driven tissue morphogenesis

Daniel S. Alber*, Shiheng Zhao*, Alexandre O. Jacinto, Eric F. Wieschaus, Stanislav Y. Shvartsman#, and Pierre A. Haas#, arXiv (2025)

Tissue deformations during morphogenesis can be active, driven by internal processes, or passive, resulting from stresses applied at their boundaries. Here, we introduce the Drosophila hindgut primordium as a model for studying boundary-driven tissue morphogenesis. We characterize its deformations and show that its complex shape changes can be a passive consequence of the deformations of the active regions of the embryo that surround it. First, we find an intermediate characteristic triangular shape in the 3D deformations of the hindgut. We construct a minimal model of the hindgut primordium as an elastic ring deformed by active midgut invagination and germ band extension on an ellipsoidal surface, which robustly captures the symmetry-breaking into this triangular shape. We then quantify the 3D kinematics of the tissue by a set of contours and discover that the hindgut deforms in two stages: an initial translation on the curved embryo surface followed by a rapid breaking of shape symmetry. We extend our model to show that the contour kinematics in both stages are consistent with our passive picture. Our results suggest that the role of in-plane deformations during hindgut morphogenesis is to translate the tissue to a region with anisotropic embryonic curvature and show that uniform boundary conditions are sufficient to generate the observed nonuniform shape change. Our work thus provides a possible explanation for the various characteristic shapes of blastopore-equivalents in different organisms and a framework for the mechanical emergence of global morphologies in complex developmental systems.

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Our research

Read more about our research interests in theoretical biophysics, mathematical biology, and beyond!
