Dynamics in Correlated Quantum Matter

Dynamics in correlated quantum matter

In our research we are interested in the dynamics of correlated quantum matter at the interface between quantum many-body theory, nonequilibrium physics, quantum information science, and machine learning.

The research covers the development of a theory of dynamical quantum phase transitions, extending the concept of phase transitions to the time domain, the dynamics in lattice gauge theories, the exploration of machine learning techniques as a new toolbox in quantum many-body theory, many-body localization in interacting strongly disordered systems, or entanglement in correlated quantum matter.

Below you can find a selection of recent research conducted in this group.

Reinforcement Learning for Digital Quantum Simulation

Unitary Long-Time Evolution with Quantum Renormalization Groups and Artificial Neural Networks

Disorder-Free Localization in an Interacting 2D Lattice Gauge Theory

Quantum Many-Body Dynamics in Two Dimensions with Artificial Neural Networks

Quantum localization bounds Trotter errors in digital quantum simulation

Many-Body Localization Dynamics from Gauge Invariance

Dynamical quantum phase transitions: a review

Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer

Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder