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For inquires and questions please contact Prof. Dr. Jan M Rost (rost(at), Dr. Ulf Saalmann (us(at) or Dr. Alexander Eisfeld (eisfeld(at)

Master- and Diploma Theses
We always have projects available - please contact us!

Joining us for a postdoc is possible at any time. Postdoctoral positions are awarded on a competitive basis through the guest program of our institute.

¡ NEW !

PhD position: Controlling ionization with light-pulse derivatives

We are looking for an ambitious PhD student to work on the theoretical project "Controlling ionization with light-pulse derivatives". The goal is to find routes for controlling non-adiabatic photo-ionization, a novel strong-field ionization mechanism. The project involves analytical and numerical work. It fits closely to the enormous experimental progress in tailoring strong light fields that has been reported in recent years.

Studies will be carried out in the "Finite Systems" department ( of the "Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems". Members in the department work on all kinds of atomic and molecular physics problems, in view of the project the area "Ultrafast Dynamics" is the most relevant one. Our group has long-standing connections to leading experimental and theoretical groups around the world.

The institute offers a creative and international scientific environment with a large visitors program running numerous workshops and seminars and hosting guest scientists at all academic career levels. The institute operates a competitive in-house computer cluster for high-performance computing. Central services of the Max Planck Society (Max Planck Digital Library, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, etc.) are accessible by members of the institute.

Please mail your application (with the required documents as pdfs) to Prof. Jan-Michael Rost (rost[at]pks.mpg(dot)de) or Prof. Ulf Saalmann (us[at]pks.mpg(dot)de).


posted February 5,  2023

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems  |  Nöthnitzer Straße 38, 01187 Dresden  |  fon: +49(351)871-2204  |  fax: +49(351)871-2299