
Postdoc Position in Evolutionary Genomics

We are looking for a Postdoc to work on bat genomics, genome annotation, comparative analyses, linking trait differences to genomic differences. Please apply to Michael.

The goal of the project is to discover the genomic basis of interesting phenotypic differences in bats and other mammals, utilizing publicly-available genomes of numerous species as well as newly-sequenced genomes of several bats. The work includes applying and potentially further developing our genomics methods, and performing large-scale comparative genomic analyses. Promising candidate genes will be tested experimentally. Funding is available for 3 years.

Please read more here.

PhD students

We are currently searching for PhD students interested in the molecular basis of phenotypic differences. Our projects range from developing comparative genomics methods, applying our computational approaches and analyzing the results to testing phenotype-genotype associations experimentally.

Interested students are encouraged to email Michael about projects and opportunities or apply directly to our IMPRS CellDevoSys PhD Program.

Master or Bachelor Projects

We are offering several projects related to the computational aspects of our genomics research to students having a solid programming experience and proficiency in linux. These projects are flexible and are suitable for both Diplom/Master and Bachelor projects. Interested students are encouraged to email Michael.