Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Rost

Prof. Dr. Jan Michael Rost

email: rost[at]pks.mpg(dot)de

MPI für Physik komplexer Systeme,
Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden
Tel.: +49-351-871-2204
Fax: +49-351-871-2299


I am interested in the dynamics of finite systems.  This includes a finite number of particles/degrees of freedom or system with a well defined geometric boundary.
We aim at uncovering and understanding generic effects and mechanisms in the extreme regimes of ultracold or ultrafast dynamics.Most explicitly studied systems originate in the field of Atomic-Molecular and Optical Physics.

Topics include:

Non-adiabatic electron dynamics triggered by ultrashort laser pulses

Non-linear photon induced electron phenomena from high frequency pulses

Absorption and dissemination of light by atomic and molecular clusters

Ultralong Range Molecules (Trilobites)

Ultracold plasmas

Continnuum chemistry in the ultracold
(Rydberg exciton dynamics)

Threshold fragmenation of few-body systems

Doubly excited states of atoms


Non-mainstream interests include the role and character of time for mankind (and science) and the effect of sports on elderly and very ill people.

Der Mond der zieht ganz stille
am Himmel so dahin.

Im Weltenall der Wille
hält ihn auf seiner Bahn.

Selbst leuchten kann er nicht,
die Sonne strahlt in an.

So seh´n wir ihn da oben -
manchmal auch nicht:

Dann hat sich die Erde dazwischengeschoben
und verdeckt sein Licht.


publications (google scholar)

was ist das

preprints on the archive
