Marin Bukov
(Dresden, DE)
David Huse
(Princeton, US)
Chris Laumann
(Boston, US)
The “New Frontiers in Out-of-Equilibrium Quantum Many-Body Dynamics” workshop aims to foster collaboration between experts in condensed matter physics, quantum optics, quantum information, and statistical mechanics. It will explore topics including entanglement dynamics, quantum simulation, and disorder effects, focusing on current challenges and future directions in the field.
D Abanin (DE)
M Aidelsburger (DE)
E Altman (US)
A Browaeys (FR)
A Chan (GB)
A Chandran (US)
P Claeys (DE)
S Gopalakrishnan (US)
M Greiner (US)
M Heyl (DE)
WW Ho (SG)
F Huveneers (GB)
V Khemani (US)
C von Keyserlingk (GB)
Z Lenarcic (SI)
R Moessner (DE)
A Nahum (FR)
S Parameswaran (GB)
L Piroli (DE)
A Polkovnikov (US)
F Pollmann (DE)
T Rakovsky (HU)
A Scardicchio (IT)
U Schneider (GB)
D Sels (US)
M Serbyn (AT)
S Sondhi (GB)
R Vasseur (US)
S Vijay (US)
W de Roeck (BE)
H Zhao (CN)
C Zu (US)