Anushya Chandran
(Boston, US / Currently MPIPKS)
Sarang Gopalakrishnan
(Princeton, US)
Christopher Laumann
(Boston, US / Currently MPIPKS)
Vadim Oganesyan
Pieter Claeys
This workshop is about the interplay between classical computation and quantum dynamics: in particular, new classical theoretical paradigms (based on hydrodynamics) and computational methods for describing quantum systems, and quantum-inspired algorithms for solving classical problems.
Trond Andersen (US)
Jens Bardarson (SE)
Bruno Bertini (UK)
Ignacio Cirac (DE)
Philip Crowley (US)
Jacopo De Nardis (FR)
Abhishek Dhar (IN)
Fabian Essler (UK)
Victor Galitski (US)
Juan Garrahan (UK)
Andrew Green (UK)
Aram Harrow (US)
Oliver Hart (US)
Wen Wei Ho (SG)
Robert Huang (US)
Katja Klobas (UK)
Michael Knap (DE)
Ewan McCulloch (US)
Max McGinley (UK)
Frank Pollmann (DE)
Andrew Potter (CA)
Xiaoliang Qi (US)
Jörg Schmiedmayer (AT)
Dries Sels (US)
Kristan Temme (US)
Johannes Zeiher (DE)