Silke Bühler-Paschen
(Vienna, AT)
Abhay Pasupathy
(New York, US)
Qimiao Si
(Houston, US)
This One-Week Workshop will bring together the communities interested in flat bands of moiré structures and frustrated-lattice materials on the one hand, and strongly correlated electron systems anchored by f-electron materials on the other, with Kondo physics serving as an intellectual link. It will highlight the extensive recent developments in each area, and foster interactions between the communities that are both opportune and much-needed.
There will be multiple sessions of invited talks, including the ones on flat bands and strongly correlated systems respectively, and those that intertwine the two areas or feature late developments. To engage the junior participants, there will also be sessions of poster presentations and contributed talks selected from submitted abstracts. Ample time will be devoted to discussions, including in dedicated discussion sessions.
Flat band
Strongly correlated materials
Cross-cutting topics
Meigan Aronson (CA)
Eric Bauer (US)
Anton Burkov (CA)
Laura Classen (DE)
Mandar Deshmukh (IN)
Dmitri Efetov (DE)
Haoyu Hu (ES)
Diana Kirschbaum (AT)
Johann Kroha (DE)
Kin Fai Mak (DE)
Kimberly Modic (AT)
Satoru Nakatsuji (JP)
Catherine Pépin (FR)
Philip Phillips (US)
Hryhoriy Polshyn (AT)
Raquel Queiroz (US)
Aline Ramires (CH)
Xavier Roy (US)
Carmen Rubio-Verdu (ES)
Hermann Suderow (ES)
Shouvik Sur (US)
Roser Valenti (DE)
Maia Vergniory (CA)
Matthias Vojta (DE)
Linda Ye (US)
Ming Yi (US)