Strong correlations and angle-resolved photoemission

International Workshop
02 - 06 June 2025

CORPES was conceived originally in the Einstein year 2005 as a forum for scientists, working in the broad areas of many-body electronic structure theory and ARPES. At the time, high-Tc cuprates and heavy Fermions were the hottest topics. Since then, new developments have emerged in the field of quantum materials such as topological, two-dimensional, or non-equilibrium systems. The workshop also deals with new developments in theoretical and experimental methods.

Topics include

  • Self-energy and spectral function in correlated systems
  • Topological systems
  • Two-dimensional and layered systems
  • Non-equilibrium dynamics
  • Optical control of quantum systems
  • Theoretical and experimental progress in the interpretation of ARPES and related methods
  • Related methods (RIXS, EELS, STS etc.)

Confirmed invited speakers

F. Baumberger (CH)
S. Biermann (FR)
A. Damascelli (CA)
D. Dessau (US)
I. Gierz (DE)
F. Giustino (US)
P. Hirschfeld (US)
A. Kaminski (US)
T. Kondo (JP)
B. Michon (FR)
C. Pepin (FR)
M. Potthoff (DE)
F. Reinert (DE)
A. Rubio (DE)
C.M. Schneider (DE)
Z.-X. Shen (US)
M. le Tacon (DE)
T. Tohyama (JP)
P. Werner (CH)
X.J. Zhou (CN)


Scientific Coordinators

Jörg Fink

(IFW Dresden)


Stefan Kaiser

(TU Dresden)


Konrad Matho

(CNRS, Institut Néel)


Kristina Aliabiev

(MPIPKS Dresden)




Applications are welcome and should be made by using the application form. The application deadline is 14th March 2025. The number of attendees is limited. Applicants are expected to submit an abstract of their personal contribution (oral or poster)

The registration fee for the international workshop is 200 Euro and should be paid by all participants.

Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

apply now!

Scientific Program

Program structure:

Sunday, 1st June - arrival (recommended)

Monday, 2nd June - 9 am program start

Friday, 6th June - noontime program closure & departure

The detailed program will be available by mid May 2025.

How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

Contact Institute