Chair: Matt Eiles
09:00 - 09:30
Agapi Emmanouilidou
(University College London)
Hybrid Quantum-Classical Techniques for the dissociation of molecules interacting with X-rays and attosecond delays in X-ray molecular ionization
We formulate a general hybrid quantum-classical technique to describe the interaction of diatomic molecules with XUV pulses. We demonstrate the accuracy of our model in the context of the interaction of the O$_2$ molecule with an XUV pulse with photon energy ranging from 20 eV to 42 eV. We account for the electronic structure and electron ionization quantum mechanically employing accurate molecular continuum wavefunctions. We account for the motion of the nuclei using classical equations of motion. However, the force of the nuclei is computed by obtaining accurate potential-energy curves
of O$_2$ up to O$_2^{2+}$, relevant to the 20 eV-42 eV photon-energy range, using advanced quantum-chemistry techniques. We find the dissociation limits of these states and the resulting atomic fragments and employ the Velocity Verlet algorithm to compute the velocities of these fragments. We incorporate both electron ionization and nuclear motion in a stochastic Monte-Carlo simulation and identify the ionization and dissociation pathways when O$_2$ interacts with an XUV pulse. Focusing on the O$^+$ + O$^+$ dissociation pathway, we obtain the kinetic-energy release distributions of the atomic fragments and find very good agreement with experimental results. Also, we explain the main features of the KER in terms of ionization sequences consisting of two sequential single-photon absorptions resulting in different O$^+$ and O$^{2+}$ electronic state configurations involved in the two transitions. (see Ref[1])
Moreover, we obtain continuum molecular wavefunctions for open-shell molecules in the Hartree-Fock framework. We do so while accounting for the singlet or triplet total spin symmetry of the molecular ion, that is, of the open-shell
orbital and the initial orbital where the electron ionizes from. Using these continuum wavefunctions, we obtain the dipole matrix elements for a core electron that ionizes due to single-photon absorption by a linearly polarized
x-ray pulse. Using these time-delays are obtained for core-level photoionization of NO with very good agreement with experimental results. (see Ref[2])
[1] M. Mountney et al. arXiv:2403.20098 (2024)
[2] T. Driver, M. Mountney, et al., A. Emmanouilidou, A. Marinelli and J. Cryan, Nature 632, 762 (2024).
09:45 - 10:15
Andrea Trabattoni
(Leibniz University of Hanover & DESY Hamburg)
Photoelectron spectroscopy of the Mössbauer transition in Fe57
Electron degrees of freedom offer an appealing tool to better understand and potentially control nuclear states through light. In this work, we measured the photoelectrons produced upon the photo-excitation of the Mössbauer nuclear transition in Fe57. The photoelectron spectrum carries a clear signature of the hyperfine structure of the nuclear state and shows a surprising coupling to multiple phonon modes of the Fe57 lattice.
Our work sets a new benchmark for the energy-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of nuclear transitions, promising a relevant impact on our understanding of the energy exchange between nuclear states and electron states in atoms.
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 11:30
Gerhard G. Paulus
(Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
Non-invasive nanoscale cross-sectional XUV imaging
I will discuss cross-sectional nanoscale imaging in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral region using high-harmonics produced by femtosecond laser radiation. The imaging technique is particularly easy to understand in time-domain: An attosecond pulse incident on a sample is reflected at the internal structures of the sample. As a consequence, a series of attosecond pulse replicas is generated. The delay between these pulse replicas is on the order of 100 to a few 100\,as, corresponding to structures on the order of 10s to 100s nanometer.
Naturally, the pulse replicas differ in spectral amplitude and phase, depending through which and how much material they have propagated. In any case, their spectral interference can be measured by an XUV spectrometer and used to reconstruct the internal structure of the sample. In fact, it is possible to retrieve the phase of the XUV radiation reflected by the sample. Accordingly, the \textit{field} of the train of pulse replicas is known.
A particularly relevant application of XCT for the spectral range up to 100 eV are silicon-based samples. We have demonstrated depth resolutions of 20 nm and very high sensitivities. Buried oxide layers of a thickness of a few nanometers could be detected as well as buried monolayers of graphene. Thanks to the ability to reconstruct the field, it is even possible to identify the material encapsulated in silicon and to determine also properties like layer roughness without destroying the sample. A unique perspective is ultrafast imaging.
11:45 - 12:15
Ulf Saalmann
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Strong-field control in two-photon ionization
We show that controlling two-photon ionization with a chirp, originally predicted for linearly-polarized pulses [1], applies to circular polarization as well. In this case the underlying mechanism is particular transparent in the rotating frame. Experimental demonstration of this mechanism for the Helium atom has been achieved at FERMI together with the Freiburg group [2].
[1] Saalmann, Giri and Rost, Phys.Rev.Lett. 121 (2018) 153203.
[2] Richter, Saalmann, ... Bruder, arxiv.org/2403.01835 (2024).
12:30 - 13:30
Chair: Agapi Emmanouilidou
14:00 - 14:30
Ioannis Makos
(Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg)
Attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy using high-harmonic generation and seeded free-electron lasers
In our studies, we use attosecond photoelectron interferometry to investigate photoionization dynamics on its natural timescale, employing high harmonic generation (HHG) and seeded free-electron lasers to generate extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond pulse trains.
Our lab-based studies using HHG, focus on molecular photoionization examining the influence of nuclear dynamics. Our approach combines two-color interferometric techniques with photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy, which allows us to record the photoelectron spectra in a mixture of $CH_4$ and $CD_4$. The different nuclear evolutions in the two isotopologues manifest as modifications in the amplitude and contrast of the two-color signal, suggesting that nuclear dynamics affect the coherence properties of the emitted electronic wave packet.
Using seeded free-electron lasers, we introduce a novel attosecond timing tool for single-shot characterization of the relative phase between XUV and the infrared field, essential to perform interferometric studies due to the stochastic relative phase between the two fields. Implementing our correlation-based approach, we demonstrate attosecond coherent control of electronic wave packet released in the process of two-color photoionization of helium.
14:45 - 15:15
Eva Lindroth
(Stockholm University)
Photoionization delay in argon in the vicinity of Cooper minima and resonances
The difference in photoionization delay between electrons ionized from the 2s or 2p orbitals in neon is an attosecond physics success story. Here measurements from Anne L'Huillier's group (Science 358, 893, 2017) isolated the pure 2s delay from that of nearby shake-up states, and several theoretical descriptions were able to reproduce the experimental results. The situation in argon has, although the system should be just slightly more complicated, proven to be much harder to understand. The difference in photoionization delay between electrons ionized from the 3s or 3p orbitals in the vicinity of the so-called Cooper minimum differs even in sign when comparing different approximations, and the isolation of the pure 3s delay from that of the shake-ups has been harder to achieve experimentally. Very recently new experiments have, however, been able to give a definite answer with regard to the sign. It turns out that details in electron correlation can have a significant effect on the phase of the outgoing wave packet, although the amplitude is not much affected. This will discussed, as will the phase change over resonances when studied with the RABBIT technique.
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30
Alejandro Saenz
(Humboldt University of Berlin)
Laser-Matter Interaction at Very High Intensities in the Quasi-Static Regime
The recent and future developments of laser sources with
extremely high peak intensities is driven by various
motivations like achieving very high photon fluxes for
single-shot molecular structure analysis, studying matter
under extreme conditions, or even trying to achieve pure
vacuum break-down, i.e. the spontaneous pair creation
in the absence of supporting Coulomb fields. These advances
need to be supported by a deeper understanding of the
microscopic understanding of matter in extremely intense
laser fields. Since in most cases it is expected that
neutral atoms and molecules will be stripped of most of
their electrons already on the rising edge of the laser
pulse, it is of interest to study the behaviour of highly
charged ions in intense laser fields. Due to the large
nuclear charge, the interaction of highly charged ions
with very intense laser pulses will occur almost exclusively
in the quasi-static regime. Therefore, we have studied the
ionization behaviour of highly charged ions in the
(quasi-)static limit solving the time-independent Dirac
equation. Based on these results, approximate scaling
relations (allowing for a laser-pulse calibration or to
uniquely identify relativistic effects), the use of a
modified Schrödinger equation for emulating the fully
relativistic results of the Dirac equation, and non-dipole
effects will be discussed.
16:45 - 17:15
Hao Liang
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Quantum and classical correspondence in Kapitza-Dirac effect
A light wave can be diffracted by a grating made by usual material, resulting in equally spaced interference fringes. On the contrary, an electron can also be diffracted by a standing wave of light, which is called Kapitza-Dirac (KD) effect. Although it was already predicted at the early ages of quantum mechanism [1], experimental realization was only possible 20 years before [2]. Very recently, the Frankfurt group observed the time evolution of electron phase with KD and referred it as ultrafast Kapitsa-Dirac effect (UKD) [3]. In this talk, I will show that both KD and UKD can be well understood whether regarding electron as a quantum or classical object. The saddle point integral of the path integral bridges the quantum and classical aspects, and also provides the criteria for the feasibility of classical pictures. Meanwhile, I will also show that one can reconstruct the classical trajectory of electron in coulombic field, or the phase of coulomb wave function using UKD.
[1] P. L. Kapitza and P. A. M. Dirac, The reflection of electrons from standing light waves, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 29, 297 (1933).
[2] D. L. Freimund, K. Aflatooni, and H. Batelaan, Observation of the Kapitza–Dirac effect, Nature 413, 142 (2001).
[3] K. Lin et al., Ultrafast Kapitza-Dirac effect, Science 383, 1467 (2024).
17:30 - 17:55
Miguel Benito de Lama
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Two-color two-photon double ionization of helium
Free electron laser facilities have sprout all over the world. These light sources can produce ultrashort pulses, already in the sub-femtosecond regime, with enough intensity to induce non-linear phenomena in gas phase atoms and molecules. One of the most fundamental non-linear processes, two-photon ionization has been object of recent experiments, exploring and exploiting new aspects of well-known light-induced physical problems such as Rabi oscillations [1] or light-induced interferences leading to asymmetric photoelectron emission from simple atoms [2,3]. The present work proposes new schemes to employ these light sources to access information on dynamical electron correlation effects in double photoionization problems.
This theoretical study first explores the electron dynamics of hydrogen using strong fields that alter the molecular potential, with relatively long wavelengths, and then investigate the double ionization of helium using a two-color scheme. In the first scenario, we examine the strong variation of the ionization yield, as well as the depletion of the ground state of the H atom with the laser intensity and compare with existing data [4]. In the second scenario, although the laser intensities are large, we employ much shorter wavelengths, thus keeping the problem within a perturbative regime. We then demonstrate how the double ionization yield can be manipulated by employing a given time-delay between these pulses of different color. In both cases, we employ a numerical approach based on the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) in full dimensionality. The wave function is described using a Finite Element Method with a Discrete Variable Representation (FM-DVR), which greatly simplifies the numerical implementation. The TDSE is the solved employing a Cranck-Nicholson [5] or Lanczos propagator [6]. The scattering function, corresponding to a specific single or double ionization channel, is then extracted by an implicit propagation to infinite time using an Exterior Complex Scaling (ECS) of the electronic coordinates, followed by a Fourier transform [5,7]
[1] S. Nandi et al, Nature 608, 488 (2022)
[2] M. Di Fraia et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 213904 (2019)
[3] D. You et al., Phys. Rev. X 10, 031070 (2020)
[4] J. Rowan et al., Phys. Rev. E 101, 023313 (2020)
[5] A. Palacios, T. N. Rescigno and C. W. McCurdy, Phys. Rev. A 77, 032716 (2008)
[6] A. Palacios, T. N. Rescigno and C. W. McCurdy, Phys. Rev. A 79, 033402 (2009)
[7] J. Feist et al., Phys. Rev. A 77, 043420 (2008)
Poster Session