New frontiers in out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics

International Workshop
11 - 15 August 2025

The “New Frontiers in Out-of-Equilibrium Quantum Many-Body Dynamics” workshop aims to foster collaboration between experts in condensed matter physics, quantum optics, quantum information, and statistical mechanics. It will explore topics including entanglement dynamics, quantum simulation, and disorder effects, focusing on current challenges and future directions in the field.

Topics include

  • entanglement dynamics
  • Hamiltonian and unitary dynamics with and without feedback
  • digital and analog quantum simulation
  • periodically, quasi-periodically and hyper-periodically driven systems
  • disorder effects in many-body dynamics
  • order, phases of matter, and phase transitions away from equilibrium
  • numerical techniques for out-of-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics

Confirmed participants

D Abanin (DE)
M Aidelsburger (DE)
E Altman (US)
A Browaeys (FR)
A Chan (GB)
A Chandran (US)
P Claeys (DE)
S Gopalakrishnan (US)
M Greiner (US)
M Heyl (DE)
WW Ho (SG)
F Huveneers (GB)
V Khemani (US)
C von Keyserlingk (GB)
Z Lenarcic (SI)
R Moessner (DE)
A Nahum (FR)
S Parameswaran (GB)
L Piroli (DE)
A Polkovnikov (US)
F Pollmann (DE)
T Rakovsky (HU)
A Scardicchio (IT)
U Schneider (GB)
D Sels (US)
M Serbyn (AT)
S Sondhi (GB)
R Vasseur (US)
S Vijay (US)
W de Roeck (BE)
H Zhao (CN)
C Zu (US)

Scientific Coordinators

Marin Bukov
(Dresden, DE)

David Huse
(Princeton, US)

Chris Laumann
(Boston, US)


Kristina Aliabiev

(MPIPKS Dresden)


Applications are welcome and should be made by using the application form. Applications received before 30 April 2025 are considered preferentially. The number of attendees is limited.

The registration fee for the international workshop is 200 Euro and should be paid by all participants.

Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

apply now!

Scientific Program

Program structure:

Sunday, 10th August - arrival (recommended)

Monday, 11th August - 9 am program start

Friday, 15th August - noontime program closure & departure

The detailed program will be available by mid July 2025, approximately.


How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

Contact Institute