Complex Photonic Systems with Broken Symmetries: Synergetic Effects of Wave Chaos and Non-Hermiticity

Seminar and Workshop
17 June - 26 June 2025
(Workshop week 17 - 20 June)

Complex photonic systems based on microcavities, lasing devices or metamaterials provide a unique platform at the intersection of non-Hermiticity, wave chaos, and nonlinear dynamics inherent to open systems with broken symmetries. The workshop and seminar aim at discussing recent achievements of these subfields, and explore their synergetic effects to gain deeper physical insight.

Topics include

  • Complex and non-Hermitian photonic systems
  • Wave chaos in microcavities
  • Nonlinear lasing dynamics
  • Non-Hermitian quantum/wave phenomena
  • Asymmetric and coupled microcavities and metamaterials
  • Topological photonic devices
  • Symmetry-based classification
  • Semiclassical approaches in quantum/wave systems
  • Quantum ergodicity in open systems
  • Non-Euclidean and non-Hermitian photonics
  • Sensing and information processing using photonic devices

Confirmed invited speakers

Alexander Altland (DE)
Muhan Choi (KR)
Barbara Dietz (KR)
Balázs Dóra (HU)
Takahisa Harayama (JP)
Naomichi Hatano (JP)
Roland Ketzmerick (DE)
Ulrich Kuhl (FR)
Mélanie Lebental (FR)
Fabrice Mortessagne (FR)
Klaus Richter (DE)
Henning Schomerus (UK)
Sang Soon Oh (UK)
Satoshi Sunada (JP)
Alexander Szameit (DE)
Clara Wanjura (DE)
Jan Wiersig (DE)
Chang-Hwan Yi (KR)



Scientific Coordinators

Martina Hentschel
(Chemnitz, Germany)

Jung-Wan Ryu
(Daejeon, South Korea)

Susumu Shinohara
(Komatsu, Japan)


Mandy Lochar

(MPIPKS Dresden)


Applications are welcome and should be made by using the application form. The application deadline is 31st March 2025. The number of attendees is limited.

The registration fee for the international seminar and workshop is 200 Euro and should be paid by all participants.

Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

apply now!

Scientific Program

Program Workshop structure:

Monday, 16th June - arrival (recommended)

Tuesday, 17th June - 9 am program start

Friday, 20th June - noontime program closure & departure

Program Seminar structure:

Monday, 23rd June - 2.00 pm program start

Thursday, 26th June - noontime program closure & departure

The detailed program will be available by mid May 2025, approximately.


How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

Contact Institute