Geometry and non-adiabatic responses in non-equilibrium systems

International Workshop
17 - 21 June 2024

Out-of-equilibrium dynamics lies at the forefront of research in many-body quantum physics. This workshop focuses on the role of the quantum geometry in the context of out-of-equilibrium many-body dynamics. This geometry can be directly related to non-adiabatic effects and underlies fundamental theoretical phenomena, such as quantum phase transitions and quantum chaos, as well as being experimentally accessible in platforms including ultracold topological matter and solid-state spin systems.

Within the overarching theme of quantum geometry in non-adiabatic response of many-body systems out of equilibrium, this workshop aims to focus on three key topics:

1. Geometric effects in nonlinear (optical) response;

2. Geometric quantum control;

3. Geometry in engineered quantum systems.


Each of these individual topics has undergone rapid development in the past few years, both on the theoretical and the experimental side. These subjects are intimately interconnected through the underlying role of the quantum geometry and the techniques used. This workshop aims to bring together these communities and allow for the exchange of new ideas and techniques, as well as stimulating new research directions in these key areas.

Topics include

  • Quantum geometry
  • Non-adiabatic dynamics
  • Out-of-equilibrium many-body systems
  • Fubini-Study metric
  • Nonlinear optical response
  • Quantum control
  • Quantum state preparation
  • Counterdiabatic driving
  • Engineered quantum systems
  • Quantum sensing
  • Floquet physics

Confirmed invited speakers

B. Andrei Bernevig (US)
Jianming Cai (CN)
Adolfo Del Campo  (LUX)
Eugene Demler (CH)
André Eckardt  (DE)
Alexander Kruchkov (US)
Netanel Lindner (IL)
Bruno Mera (PT)
Takahiro Morimoto (JP)
Kater Murch (US)
Tomoki Ozawa (JP)
Anatoli Polkovnikov (US)
Hannah Price (UK)
Gil Refael (US)
Grazia Salerno (FI)
Dries Sels (US)
F. Nur Ünal (UK)
Fengnian Xia (US)





Scientific Coordinators

Pieter W. Claeys
(Dresden, DE)

Nathan Goldman
(Bruxelles, BE)

Michael Kolodrubetz
(Dallas, US)


Mandy Lochar
(Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany)


The application deadline was on 31st March 2024. The application is closed.

Scientific Program

The detailed program will be available here.


How to reach us


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