Hannes Bernien
(Chicago, US)
Rhine Samajdar
(Princeton, US)
Han Yan
(Tokyo, JP)
Topological quantum matter plays a central role in both modern condensed matter and quantum statistical physics and has many exciting applications including, potentially, quantum computation. This workshop will bring together researchers working on various fronts of topological quantum matter, both experimentally and theoretically, and to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations.
Owen Benton (UK)
Hans Peter Büchler (DE)
Bryce Gadway (US)
Bruce Gaulin (CA)
Philipp Gegenwart (DE)
Michel Gingras (CA)
Yasir Iqbal (IN)
Ludovic Jaubert (FR)
Hae-Young Kee (CA)
Yong Baek Kim (CA)
Thierry Lahaye (FR)
Christopher Laumann (US)
Julian Leonard (AT)
Igor Lesanovsky (DE)
Norbert Linke (DE)
Zi Yang Meng (HK)
Frank Pollmann (DE)
Johannes Reuther (DE)
Kirill Shtengel (US)
Nan Tang (DE)
Roser Valenti (DE)
Hui Zhai (CN)