Topological Quantum Matter in Magnetic and Synthetic Platforms

International Workshop
8 - 12 July 2024

Topological quantum matter plays a central role in both modern condensed matter and quantum statistical physics and has many exciting applications including, potentially, quantum computation. This workshop will bring together researchers working on various fronts of topological quantum matter, both experimentally and theoretically, and to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations.

Topics include

  • Topological states of matter
  • Long-range quantum entanglement
  • Experimental design and probe of topological states
  • Frustrated magnetism
  • Fractionalized excitations
  • Gauge theories in many-body systems
  • Synthetic many-body platforms
  • Rydberg atom systems
  • Quantum phases of matter
  • Quantum dynamics

Confirmed invited speakers

Owen Benton (UK)
Hans Peter Büchler (DE)
Bryce Gadway (US)
Bruce Gaulin (CA)
Philipp Gegenwart (DE)
Michel Gingras (CA)
Yasir Iqbal (IN)
Ludovic Jaubert (FR)
Hae-Young Kee (CA)
Yong Baek Kim (CA)
Thierry Lahaye (FR)
Christopher Laumann (US)
Julian Leonard (AT)
Igor Lesanovsky (DE)
Norbert Linke (DE)
Zi Yang Meng (HK)
Frank Pollmann (DE)
Johannes Reuther (DE)
Kirill Shtengel (US)
Nan Tang (DE)
Roser Valenti (DE)
Hui Zhai (CN)


Scientific Coordinators

Hannes Bernien
(Chicago, US)

Rhine Samajdar
(Princeton, US)

Han Yan
(Tokyo, JP)


Christina Kuß

(MPIPKS Dresden)


The application deadline was 3rd May 2024 and is now closed as the number of attendees is limited.

The registration fee for the international workshop is 200 Euro and should be paid by all participants.

Costs for accommodation and meals will be covered by the Max Planck Institute.

Limited funding is available to partially cover travel expenses.

Scientific Program

Program structure:

Sunday, 7th July - arrival (recommended)

Monday, 8th July - 9 am program start

Friday, 12th July - program closure & departure

The detailed program will be available at the beginning of June 2024, approximately.


How to reach us


Useful information for your way to the venue.

Contact Institute