Machine Learning for Quantum Matter

Wednesday, 26th February

meeting your guides at the institute reception at 14:00, taking tram no. 3 to the city centre

organ recital at the Hofkirche

guided tours (you can choose your tour after the organ recital):
old city centre - listen to stories about the kings and queens, the reconstruction of the Church of Our Lady, the prominent building of the so-called Kulturpalast and many more - more details
Friedrichstadt - one emergent city district of Dresden, from a Slavic village, to the baroque garden city, to industrial times until nowadays - more details (in case the website is in German, please click on the English translation in the upper right corner)
architecture - with focus on the urban development from the ‘Florence of the North’, rebuilding the city after 1945 until nowadays - more details (in case the website is in German, please click on the English translation in the upper right corner)

workshop dinner starting at 18:30 at the restaurant Anna im Schloss