Jan Carl Budich
(Technische Universität Dresden & MPIPKS, DE)
Laura Classen
(Technische Universität München & MPI FKF, DE)
Johannes Knolle
(Technische Universität München, DE)
The Korrelationstage have a long standing tradition in bringing together researchers working in the field of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems and related areas. The main focus of this event is to capture the new developments in this active field.
The format of the meeting will contain invited presentations by junior research leaders, as well as contributed research talks, and poster sessions.
There will be a special panel discussion on The Future of Publishing in Correlated Quantum Many Body Research with S. Kancharla (Phys. Rev. B), J.S. Caux (SciPost) and A. Taroni (Nature).
We plan an on-site workshop. Talks and posters will exclusively be presented on-site.
Flávia Braga Ramos (DE)
Michael Buchhold (DE)
Jean-Sebastien Caux (NL)
Tamaghna Hazra (DE)
Lukas Janssen (DE)
Sarma Kancharla (US)
Lennart Klebl (DE)
Flore Kunst (DE)
Alexander Mook (DE)
Aline Ramires (CH)
Markus Schmitt (DE)
Urban Seifert (DE)
Libor Šmejkal (DE)
Andrea Taroni (US)
Glenn Wagner (CH)
Alexander Wietek (DE)