chair: Matthew Eiles
09:00 - 09:30
Sandra Brandstetter
(University of Heidelberg)
Magnifying the Wave Function of Interacting Fermionic Atoms
The fundamental ingredient for fermionic superconductivity and superfluidity is the energetically favorable formation of Cooper pairs. In continuous systems, this was established by Bardeen, Cooper and Schriefer [1], leading to the well-known BCS regime, where Cooper pairs form between fermions of opposite momentum near the Fermi surface. However, in systems with broken translational symmetry, such as dirty superconductors and atomic nuclei, the standard BCS theory does not directly apply. Anderson extended this framework by postulating pairing between time-reversed states [2], offering a more general explanation for superconductivity in these complex systems. In our cold atom experiment, we leverage precise control over atom number and interaction strength to explore the transition from pairing between time-reversed harmonic oscillator states to BCS-like pairing, and ultimately to molecular pairing at very strong interactions. These distinct regimes are characterized by their pair densities in both real and momentum space, which we experimentally probe using our single-atom and spin-resolved imaging techniques. Future objectives include studying the thermalization of few fermionic atoms, exploring open shell configurations akin to nuclear physics, and observing interference among identical few-body systems.
[1] J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer, Physical Review 108, 1175 (1957).
[2] P. Anderson, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 11, 26–30 (1959).
09:30 - 10:00
Hannah Lange
(LMU Munich / MPQ Garching)
Exploring high-temperature superconductivity using mixed-dimensional models, optical lattices and machine learning
Since the discovery of high-Tc superconductors around four decades ago, the search for materials with increasing critical temperatures has lead to the discovery of unconventional superconductivity in a number of compounds, among them copper- and nickel based superconductors. However, a complete microscopic understanding of these phenomena remains elusive, as both numerical simulations and experimental studies of these materials pose significant challenges.
In my talk, I will present the setting of mixed dimensional (mixD) bilayers, where the interlayer hopping is entirely suppressed. I will explain how mixD bilayers can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of superconductivity in cuprate and bilayer nickelate systems. Specifically, I will discuss the experimental realization of these bilayers using optical lattices, enabling the exploration of key features of superconductivity, such as pair-pair correlations. Finally, I will explore how such experimental platforms can be harnessed to enhance machine learning techniques, particularly in improving neural quantum state methods.
10:00 - 10:30
Thomas Hansen
(Aarhus University)
Non-integer high-order harmonic generation from extended correlated systems
High-harmonic generation (HHG) is a process by which
ultrashort (10−18−10−15 s) laser pulses can be generated.
This is of immense interest as it opens up the possibility
of time-resolved measurements at this time scale. Furthermore,
HHG has potential as a spectroscopic due to
various symmetry considerations. However, in 2018 Silva
et. al. published HHG spectra from a study of a Mott
insulator which showed signal at noninteger harmonics
[1]. This was in stark contrast to more common solids
where the odd-integer harmonics have been observed repeatedly.
FIG. 1. HHG spectra for a 10-site long chain of atoms with
relatively low correlation. Ncyc is the number of cycles in the
pulse used. Each spectrum is scaled by the value in the associated
textbox, with the exception of the Ncyc = 16 spectrum.
Mott insulators are a class of materials which act as insulators
due to significant beyond mean-field electronelectron
interaction. Such solids are commonly referred
to as correlated solids. Correlated solids are an interesting
set of materials as the beyond mean-field electronelectron
interaction results in significantly different dynamics
than traditional solids, probably most notably the
high-tc superconductivity of cuprates. Such solids are often
simulated using the Fermi-Hubbard model, which is
also the model we use to study the appearance of the noninteger
harmonics. The Fermi-Hubbard model allows us
to study systems both with and without correlation by
varying the so-called Hubbard U-parameter. This feature
makes it an ideal model to study the appearance of
the non-integer harmonics, as the non-integer harmonics
were only observed in the correlated solids.
Using Floquet theory one can show that any timeperiodic
system described by a single Floquet state can
only generate integer harmonics. Furtermore, inversion
symmetric targets only generate odd-integer harmonics.
Here we utilized Floquet theory to explain how the noninteger
harmonics appear as a result of the nonadiabaticity
of the laser pulse. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 where
HHG spectra for a variety of pulse lengths are shown.
As the pulse length increases the high-harmonic spectra
show increasingly clear peaks at odd-integer harmonics.
We utilize the picture of Floquet states and Floquet
quasi-energies to explain the appearence of non-integer
harmonics, and where in the various HHG spectra they
appear. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the generation
of non-integer harmonics scale with the degree of
correlation and relate this to the typical exitation mechanisms
of such solids [2].
10:30 - 11:00
Group photo ( to be published on the event's webpage)
Coffee Break
chair: Arlan Juan Smokovicz de Lara
11:00 - 11:30
Anne Weber
(King's College London)
A rigorous and universal approach for highly-oscillatory integrals in attosecond science
Light-matter interactions within the strong-field regime, such as high-harmonic generation, typically give rise to highly-oscillatory integrals, which are often solved using saddle-point methods. Not only do these methods promise a much faster computation, but they also inform a more intuitive understanding of the process in terms of quantum orbits, as the saddle points correspond to interfering quantum trajectories (think Feynman's path integral formalism).
Despite these advantages, a sound understanding of how to apply saddle-point methods to highly-oscillatory integrals in a rigorous way, and with algorithms which work uniformly for arbitrary configurations and laser drivers, remains lacking. This hinders our ability to keep up with state-of-the-art experimental setups which increasingly rely on tightly-controlled laser waveforms.
In this talk, I will introduce the key ideas of Picard-Lefschetz theory – the foundation of all saddle-point methods – and their implementation. Using high-harmonic generation and above-threshold ionisation as examples, I will show how those ideas provide a robust framework for the fast computation of integrals, as well as a widely-applicable algorithm to derive the relevant semiclassical quantum orbits that underlie the physical processes.
11:30 - 12:00
Valentina Utrio Lanfaloni
(ETH Zurich)
Attosecond transient absorption beamline in the water-window regime driven by self-compressed single-cycle pulses
Understanding and controlling the electron dynamics in atoms and molecules is essential for studying material properties, chemical reactions, and ultrafast processes. In the past decade, there have been significant advances in developing table-top sources able to generate few-cycle pulses at high energies, and eventually obtain the attosecond time resolution necessary to access the electron motions. A key technique in this field is time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy, which provides element-specific information [1,2]. So far, the method of choice for generating the few-cycle driving pulses has been the spectral broadening of laser pulses in a gas-filled hollow-core fiber (HCF) followed by a temporal compression stage via chirped mirrors or material dispersion. However, this method has typically remained limited to $\sim$2-cycle pulses. Here, we demonstrate the first application of soliton self-compression to create single-cycle pulses as drivers for soft-X-ray (SXR) high-harmonic generation (HHG). In this method, the fiber dispersion is inherently compensated by the gas nonlinearity, which avoids the need for post-compression stages. We present the first results from a beamline developed for attosecond transient absorption experiments using a mid-IR pump and attosecond SXR probe pulses.
The experimental setup consists of a cryogenically cooled 1 kHz Ti:Sa laser that pumps an optical parametric amplifier to produce passively CEP-stable 2.4 mJ, 35 fs pulses centered at 1800 nm. The pulses are broadened in a 2.6-m, gas-filled hollow-core fiber (HCF), where the delicate interplay between the nonlinearity and fiber anomalous dispersion yields pulses with multi-octave supercontinuum spectrum and temporal self-compression. Although the soliton self-compression scheme at 1.8 $\mu$m has already been demonstrated [4], we apply such pulses both as a pump and a driver for generating the soft X-ray probe. Due to the broad spectrum and the short pulse duration, temporal characterization with common techniques as FROG or SPIDER, is challenging. Therefore, the TIPTOE method [3] has been implemented for a direct in situ measurement of the pulses directly at the sample position and to completely determine their electric-field profile. We control the time delay between the pump and probe using an interferometric split-toroidal mirror, which ensures stability between the two arms of $\sim$9 as.
To find the best compression parameters and to explore the soliton regime, we have performed systematic pressure-dependent scans in HCFs with diameters of 530 $\mu$m, 500 $\mu$m, and 450 $\mu$m, filled with Ar, Ne, He. The shortest pulse of 2.9 fs (FWHM) has been obtained in the 530 $\mu$m HCF filled with 2 bar of Ne. Nevertheless, in this configuration, no HHG was observed.
Our flux improved by a factor of $\sim$4 by using 450 $\mu$m HCF. In this configuration, the pulses are cleaner and the broadening is more symmetric around 1800 nm. With this scheme, the highest flux is generated in a pre-soliton regime (3 bar), with pulses of 11.6 fs (FWHM). In the soliton regime (3.5 bar) the flux slightly decreases. After this regime, the HH flux benefits from the presence of 1 mm fused silica (FS) on the beam after the HCF. We found that for a pump and probe experiment, the best configuration is at 3.5 bar with 1 mm FS, where the flux is very good and the mid-IR pulse is 5.15 fs, corresponding to a single-cycle pulse.
Since quasi-single-cycle pulses have been obtained, strong-field ionization can be confined to a single half cycle, which will ensure sub-femtosecond resolution in water-window transient-absorption experiments.
Our apparatus is an ideal tool for studying sub-femtosecond electron dynamics prepared by strong-field pump pulses such as charge migration at C and N K-edges in small organic molecules. Due to the pulse duration of the pump pulse, the same technique could be employed also for investigating ultrafast dynamics on thin film materials such as fullerene.
1. K. S. Zinchenko et al, Science 371, 489–494 (2021).
2. Y. Pertot et al, Science 355, 264-267 (2017).
3. C. Brahms et al, Physical Review Research 2, 043037 (2020).
4. W. Cho et al, Scientific Reports, 9, 402–408 (2019).
12:00 - 12:30
Nikolai Klimkin
(Max Born Institute of Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin)
NoMaDec: Non-Markovian Decoherence toward massive cat states
Preparing single-mode photonic states with non-classical properties has long been a promising area of research connecting the fields of quantum optics and quantum computations. An intriguing path toward achieving these states has been proposed recently by means of high-order harmonic generation and post-selection. Yet, a quantum optical description of a strongly-driven emitter entangled with a selection of electromagnetic modes, which is crucial for shaping the resulting non-trivial states, has remained elusive. Here we demonstrate that this gap in understanding is bridged by considering the joint evolution of the emitter and the vacuum modes beyond the commonly used Markov approximation. By employing a novel stochastic method for describing the quantum field states, we demonstrate in numerical simulation how quantum harmonic emission can arise in an extremely trivial setup.
12:30 - 14:00
chair: Jan Michael Rost
14:00 - 14:30
Simon Panyella Pedersen
(Vienna University of Technology)
Analysing the optical nonlinearity of a cavity-like subwavelength atomic array
Sub-wavelength arrays of quantum emitters offer an interesting approach to coherent light-matter interfacing, using ultracold atoms or two-dimensional solid-state quantum materials. The combination of collectively suppressed photon-losses and emerging optical nonlinearities due to strong photon-coupling to mesoscopic numbers of emitters holds promise for generating nonclassical light and engineering effective interactions between freely propagating photons.
In my talk I will describe the interaction between photons and a specific configuration of two-level atoms, namely two parallel 2D arrays individually acting like mirrors and together forming a cavity-like system. The long confinement of photons in this system results in an accumulation of correlation between the photons, revealing their strong effective interaction mediated by the atoms.
While most studies have thus far relied on numerical simulations, I will furthermore describe a Green's function approach that permits analytical investigations of the nonlinear processes of the system. The approach yields intuitive insights into the nonlinear response of the system and offers a promising framework for a systematic development of a many-body theory for interacting photons and many-body effects on collective radiance in two-dimensional arrays of quantum emitters.
14:30 - 15:00
Javier Rivera-Dean
(ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences)
Quantum optics and quantum simulators of high-harmonic generation
High-harmonic generation (HHG) is a process where a high-intensity driving
eld is up-converted into its harmonic orders. In atomic systems, HHG involves
electron ionization, subsequent propagation in the continuum driven by the
eld, and recombination with the parent ion, during which harmonic radiation
is generated. Therefore, as noted in this brief description, the electron dynamics
underlying HHG in atomic systems are generally well understood. In this presentation,
I will provide a description on how these electron dynamics can in
the quantum optical state, leading to quantum correlations between the di erent
modes of light, and the possibility of generating non-classical states of light
through heralding operations. I will also discuss the potential for reproducing the
strong- eld-driven electron dynamics using analog quantum simulators based on
trapped ultracold atoms. Finally, if the time permits, I will brie
y present recent
results on driving HHG with non-classical light. This presentation is primarily
based on [J. Rivera-Dean, arXiv:2409.15556 (2024)] and [J. Arguello-Luengo et
al, PRX Quantum 5, 010328 (2024)].
15:00 - 16:00
Ido Kaminer
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break
chair: Aileen Durst
16:30 - 17:00
Ido Kaminer
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Q & A Session
17:00 - 17:30
Matteo Magoni
(IQOQI Innsbruck)
Vibronic coupling in Rydberg tweezer arrays
Atoms confined in optical tweezer arrays constitute a platform for the implementation of quantum computers and simulators. State-dependent operations are realized by exploiting electrostatic dipolar interactions that emerge, when two atoms are simultaneously excited to high-lying electronic states, so-called Rydberg states. These interactions also lead to state-dependent mechanical forces, which couple the electronic dynamics of the atoms to their vibrational motion. We explore these vibronic couplings within an artificial molecular system in which Rydberg states are excited under so-called facilitation conditions. This system, which is not necessarily self-bound, undergoes a structural transition between an equilateral triangle and an equal-weighted superposition of distorted triangular states (Jahn-Teller regime) exhibiting spin-phonon entanglement on a micrometer distance. This highlights the potential of Rydberg tweezer arrays for the study of molecular phenomena at exaggerated length scales.
17:30 - 18:00
Andrea Tononi
(ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences)
Temporal Bell inequalities in a many-body system
We formulate a temporal Clauser-Horne inequality by considering two parties choosing two observables to measure at different consecutive times. For two entangled antipodal spins joined by a spin chain, we show that the inequality is violated during a small finite time interval between the measurements. This fact contrasts with the time evolution in vacuum, which is describable in terms of a hidden-variable theory. Our result demonstrates that the finite velocity for quantum information spreading in the chain prevents signaling and therefore the immediate vanishing of quantumness.
18:00 - 18:30
Christian Hölzl
(University of Stuttgart)
Long-lived circular Rydberg qubits of alkaline earth atoms in optical tweezers
I will present our work on a novel Rydberg qubit encoded in circular states of strontium atoms trapped in optical tweezers. Circular Rydberg states promise orders of magnitude longer lifetimes compared to their low-L counterparts, which allows for overcoming fundamental limitations in the coherence properties of Rydberg atom based quantum simulators. We have recently demonstrated efficient transfer into high-n circular Rydberg atoms with n≈80 via rapid adiabatic passage, which exhibit lifetimes of several milliseconds in our room-temperature setup. Furthermore, we realized a qubit between circular states of closeby hydrogenic manifolds coupled by a two-photon microwave transition and studied its coherence properties. Enabled by the second available valence electron of the Sr atom, we demonstrated trapping of the Rydberg atoms in standard Gaussian beams. In addition, we used the long coherence time of our qubit to probe the small quadrupole interaction between the electric field gradient of the circular Rydberg electron at the core position and the inner electron excited to a metastable D state. These results open exciting prospects for exploiting the unique properties of long-lived circular states of two-valence electron atoms for quantum technologies, comprising coherent ionic core manipulation.
Bonfire & Poster session