preliminary list of poster contributions (Workshop)

  • For each poster one poster wall will be available.

  • Poster session I (Monday, September 14, 19:00): presentation of the posters with odd numbers.

  • Poster session II (Thursday, September 17, 19:30): presentation of the posters with even numbers.

  • The size of the poster walls is 185 cm (height) x 95 cm (width) (A0, Portrait).

  • The number in front of your name stands for the number of the poster wall reserved for you.

  • Magnets/double-sided tape will be provided.

  • 1 Aisenberg, James
      Wave-packet dynamics in unconventional RMT Models
    2 Alcazar-Lopez, Amando
      Unidirectional infinitely periodic waveguides
    3 Andrade, Debora
      Jensen inequalities for Tunneling Probabilities in complex systems
    4 Bartsch, Thomas
      Scattering off a time-dependent repeller
    5 Bittrich, Lars
      Flooding of regular phase-space islands by chaotic states
    6 Bouri, Celsus
      Non-vanishing angular momentum frozen planet states of helium
    7 Brouzos, Ioannis
      Ground state properties of the fermionization crossover for few boson systems in finite multi-well
    8 Chuchem, Maya
      Phase-diffusion dynamics in weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
    9 Franco, John Alexander
      Giant resonances in large-scale classical systems
    10 Goletz, Christoph-Marian
      Semiclassical approach to scattering under the influence fo a thermal bath
    11 Gräfe, Eva-Maria
      Unfolding of higher order exceptional points in a non-Hermitian Bose-Hubbard dimer
    12 Grond, Julian
      Number squeezing and many-body effects when splitting a mesoscopic condensate
    13 Hartmann, Timo
      Transport of Bose-Einstein condensates through two-dimensional billiard geometries
    14 Ikeda, Kensuke
      Chaotic tunnelling in an ideal limit
    15 Julia-Diaz, Bruno
      Josephson Oscillations in binary mixtures of F=1 spinor BECS
    16 Koch, Werner
      Dissipative tunneling using complex trajectories
    17 Kramer, Stephan
      Beyond the box: Computing the S-matrix for scattering states on curvi-linear domains
    18 Krückel, Viktor
      Time dependent scattering in Graphene
    19 Kuhl, Ulrich / Stefan Rotter
      Fano resonances under the influence of absorption or decoherence
    20 Larenas, Manuel
      Fano resonances in waveguide arrays with saturable nonlinearity
    21 Le Deunff, Jèrèmy
      Tunnelling and instantons
    22 Libisch, Florian
      Klein tunneling in Graphene Quantum Dots
    23 Maier, Stefan
      Quantum brownian motion for strong dissipation
    24 Makarov, Denis
      Ray and wave scattering in ocean acoustics
    25 Mele Messeguer, Marina
      Josephson tunneling in binary mixtures of BECs: Full GP and two mode description
    26 Mertig, Normann
      Power-Law Level-Statistics due to dynamical tunneling
    27 Metzger, Jakob
      Branched flow and caustics in random media with magnetic fields
    28 Petitjean, Cyril
      Semiclassical evidence of a gap in the density of states of chaotic Andreev billiards
    29 Potzuweit, Alexander
      Fractal Weyl law in experimental microwave billiards
    30 Rapedius, Kevin
      Barrier transmission for the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Resonances and
      transmission profiles
    31 Richter, Martin
      Aspects of quantum chaos in four dimensional symplectic maps
    32 Ruiz Garcia, Antonia
      Classical analysis of nearly resonant multidimensional systems under a transient perturbative
    33 Ryu, Jung-Wan
      Resonance modes in two coupled microdisks: General properties and directional far-field emission
    34 Schneider, Philipp
      Ab-initio determination of Bose-Hubbard parameters for two ultracold atoms in an optical lattice
    35 Sela, Itamar
      Quantum stirring in low dimensional devices
    36 Shim, Jeong-Bo
      Effects of a cubic nonlinearity in optical microcavity systems
    37 Shinohara, Susumu
      Collective correspondence of resonant modes to ray description in optical microcavities
    38 Tayebirad, Ghazal
      Landau-Zener decay of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of stochastic noise
      and atom-atom interactions
    39 Tudorovskiy, Timur
      Microwave Floquet-systems
    40 Unterhinninghofen, Julia
      Extended ray dynamics for optical microcavities
    41 Verso, Alvise
      Bistability and dynamical tunneling in a Josephson junction detector
    42 White, Michael
      Evanescent waves outside optical resonators
    43 Whitenack, Daniel
      Resonance lifetimes from density functional theory
    44 Wustmann, Waltraut
      Occupation probabilities of Floquet states in driven systems with a mixed phase space

    For further information please e-mail to: