Fano resonances under the influence of absorption or decoherence

Ulrich Kuhl / Stefan Rotter

AG Quantenchaos, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachbereich Physik,
Marburg, Germany

We present theoretical and experimental results on how the lineshape of Fano resonances is modified by the effect of decoherence. Specifically, our theoretical calculations demonstrate how the asymmetry parameter of Fano resonances in the transmission of microwaves through a metal cavity is affected by the dissipation in the cavity walls. In these dissipative systems the way in which the Fano asymmetry parameter deviates from its fully coherent value is characteristically different from dephasing systems where flux is conserved. These characteristic differences are explored and confirmed in microwave experiments on rectangular metal cavities with varying dissipation strengths.
