Collective correspondence of resonant modes to ray description in optical microcavities

Susumu Shinohara

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Mesoscopic Systems Group,
Dresden, Germany

Optical microcavities are, on one hand, a practical device with various potential applications in the field of lasers and photonics. On the other hand, they offer a good example of real physical systems where the concepts and results of the classical and quantum chaos theory play an essential role in understanding observed phenomena. In this presentation, we show that experimental and wave-calculated emission patterns from ray-chaotic optical microcavities can be well described by the steady flux distribution of a weighted ray dynamical model incorporating the openness of a cavity. Deriving the counterpart distribution of the steady flux distribution for wave description, we discuss the correspondence between the ray description and resonant modes, where we find that the latter correspond to the former collectively, rather than individually. We provide an explanation on agreement between experimental multimode lasing emission patterns and a ray-calculated pattern on the basis of the collective correspondence mechanism.
