Ground state properties of the fermionization crossover for few interacting bosons in one-dimensional finite multi-well potentials

Ioannis Brouzos

Universität Heidelberg, Physikalisches Institut, Department Physics, Heidelberg, Germany

We investigate quasi-one-dimensional few boson systems in finite multi-well traps varying the interaction strength up to the fermionization limit. Our treatment of the ground state properties is numerically exact and is based on a multi-configurational time-dependent method (MCTDH). The interplay between the interaction and kinetic energy as well as the shape of the finite lattice potential gives rise to multiple pathways to fermionization observed in the local and non-local properties of the ground state. Localization and delocalization phainomena connected with the superfluid and Mott-insulator phases are detected. Different filling factors, commensurate and incommensurate filling are investigated, and the extension to larger systems is discussed.
